Blogging, Fitness, Health, Kids, Lifestyle, Mothers, Nutrition, School days, School Time, Sharing views, Yummy yum

Fun and healthy tiffin ideas for kids #Bonhappetee

The lady and I glanced at each other and broke into a knowing laugh. Our “Did you finish your tiffin?” enquiry to our respective kids had received a straight “NO!” for an answer, yet again. As I walked away from her I couldn’t help wondering to myself. Am I not doing enough or should I try… Read More Fun and healthy tiffin ideas for kids #Bonhappetee

A Junior, Angel, Family matters, Home, India, Kids, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, School Time, Sharing views, Such is life

The new kids in our life

“All the flowers will be in my room!”Angel declared excitedly while scurrying towards the plant shop. We had been discussing about getting some much-needed greens and colours for our new home the previous day. With five balconies, the possibilities with space and choice was immense. There was so much we could do! While A bowed… Read More The new kids in our life

A Junior, Angel, Kids, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, School Time, Sibling love, Such is life

School days with siblings

Even as I stood at the school gate to receive her, I knew Angel was sobbing. This was new and strange because whenever I drop her, once inside, she doesn’t even turn to bid goodbye to me *wipes a lone tear with my pallu t-shirt*. My over-imaginative mind went into overdrive concocting various scenarios my… Read More School days with siblings

A Junior, Angel, Blog friends, Blogging, Blogtrain, Holidays, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Mumbai, Parenting, School Time, Writing, Yummy yum

Now cooking, with son: Paneer Lasagna

Cooking and writing are two of my favourite hobbies. No wonder then that sharing recipes, which involves both, is fast becoming my favourite third hobby. 🙂 I prefer home food over outside food and like to toss up a storm in my kitchen with dishes I find interesting. Seeing how sportingly my guinea pig family… Read More Now cooking, with son: Paneer Lasagna

A Junior, Angel, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Mothers, Mumbai, Nutrition, Parenting, School Time, Writing, Yummy yum

Food post ~ Cheesy Sago Muffins

Remember the scene in the movie Ra.One where Shahrukh Khan eats noodles with yoghurt? The first time I saw it, “What’s wrong with him?” (his character, not SRK) was my instant reaction. Some might call it culinary sin while others might have a good laugh over the idea of pairing our desi dahi with Italian… Read More Food post ~ Cheesy Sago Muffins