Health, India, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Yummy yum

Nimbu ki Mirchi Recipe

Health-conscious foodie is an oxymoron I’ve coined for myself and follow religiously. Once a reckless hogger, my fitness journey has seen me renounce umpteen unhealthy eating habits over time. I remember rounding off jars of mango pickles alone, helping myself generously during every meal. Drifting from that, I’m now exploring other pickle recipe options that… Read More Nimbu ki Mirchi Recipe

A Junior, Angel, Kids, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, School Time, Sibling love, Such is life

School days with siblings

Even as I stood at the school gate to receive her, I knew Angel was sobbing. This was new and strange because whenever I drop her, once inside, she doesn’t even turn to bid goodbye to me *wipes a lone tear with my pallu t-shirt*. My over-imaginative mind went into overdrive concocting various scenarios my… Read More School days with siblings

College fun, Down the memory lane, Fathers, Fitness, Funny life, Humour, Just rambling, Lifestyle, Me, Mumbai, Relationships, Such is life, Yummy yum

Khaate peete ghar ki ladki :-)

The three people disapproved my presence for different reasons and at varied degree, generously making it crystal clear for me. The man, with his flaring nostrils and intimidating eyes emitting invisible death rays, was furious but controlled, acknowledging the decency of the place. The woman, hopeful but resigned to the fate of my choice, empathized… Read More Khaate peete ghar ki ladki 🙂