Health, People, Such is life, Thoughts and musings, Whines and whispers, Women

Can striving for good health be a wrong choice?

Hello, dear readers! As content creators, we tend to focus on trending topics, keywords, and SEO optimised content that would get us on the coveted first search page. Our real work starts after our posts are published and trust me, that’s the more challenging part. While it’s a great way to gain recognition, traffic, and… Read More Can striving for good health be a wrong choice?

Blogging Challenge, India, Travel tales, Women, Writing

My First Solo Trip: Blogchatter’s Varanasi Retreat

As a community, Blogchatter has been an integral part of my blogging journey. Its weekly chats on Twitter (now X), fun activities, blogging, and reel-making challenges, have motivated many bloggers like me to become consistent and create unique content. Especially after I got my self-hosted blog, it has helped to gain traffic with its campaigns… Read More My First Solo Trip: Blogchatter’s Varanasi Retreat

Blogging Challenge, Books, Down the memory lane, Fiction

My favourite books as a teenager

My love for reading has been generously splashed across my blog ever since its conception. Even before I grasped the concept of book reviews, I remember passionately discussing them with my friends and family. Trading must-read titles, giving, taking suggestions, and brainstorming our take on them were great ways to let our creative juices flow.… Read More My favourite books as a teenager