Blogging, Education, India, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, Sharing views

Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

As parents, we always strive to give our kids the best. Whether it is nutritious food to boost their immunity, outdoor games to keep them fit and healthy, or aptitude books to promote their mental development, we pay close attention to everything. Is this enough to prepare them for the big bad world out there… Read More Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

Collaborations, Health, India, Kids, Mothers, Nutrition

Physical activities for kids for promoting right growth

Physical activities for kids are as important as eating right and studying. Today’s generation is exposed to umpteen gadgets that heavily contribute to limiting their outdoor time. Added to that, the overload of junk food often leads to childhood obesity issues. It hence becomes important that as parents we inculcate in them the right balanced… Read More Physical activities for kids for promoting right growth

GenderTalks, India, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, Sharing views, Such is life, Women

Are you teaching gender-based trust or distrust? #CauseAChatter

“Are you a feminist?” a friend asked me when I was in college. I didn’t know what it meant back then and am not exactly certain even now. However, I candidly answered that I believe in women standing up for them and owning their identity. Any other definition of feminism is perhaps agenda-driven. Since then… Read More Are you teaching gender-based trust or distrust? #CauseAChatter

Collaborations, Health, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, School days

4 things I do to ensure my child is emotionally happy

We’re assuming the role of our kids’ friends, teachers, playmates and even their punching bag everyday! We adults are justifiably going through turmoil emotionally but our kids have the short end of the stick. They’re holed up at home, bubbling with energy and confused with our jumbled instructions. How can we make them emotionally happy?… Read More 4 things I do to ensure my child is emotionally happy

A Junior, A to Z, Angel, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Parenting, Sibling love, Writing

F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z

“Where did they get this from?” is one question that keeps niggling me every time I see my kids hop animatedly at the sight of a McDonalds or a Burger King. They aren’t fans of burgers, mind you. It is the French fries that make them drool. A quick stop at any of these joints… Read More F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z

Angel, Arty Mood, Family matters, Kids, Love, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, Relationships, Sibling love, Such is life, Thinking hat, Thoughts and musings

Mommy to a 4yo Angel :-)

Dear Angel, It often happens that I sit to write something for you with an amazing string of thoughts in my mind but no amount of words ever do any justice to them. I write and rewrite, over and over, feeling that I haven’t conveyed even a minuscule percentage of what I intended to. Motherhood… Read More Mommy to a 4yo Angel 🙂