Down the memory lane, Me, Motivation, Such is life, Thoughts and musings, Women, Writing

Stepping into 40s and all that jazz

Grey hair at the roots, a hint of crow feet, a body that has seen better shape, loose fitting clothes and a permanent resigned expression is something I often associated with the 40s women growing up. Judge me for it but back in the day women, even working ones, paid scarce attention to themselves. Many… Read More Stepping into 40s and all that jazz

BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Book Reviews, India, Lifestyle, Reviews, Sharing views, Travel tales

Book Review: Travel, My Way A Travelogue by Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar #BlogchatterEbook

Hello everyone! As part of Blogchatter’s Ebook Carnival I’m happy to share a travel book review for one of my dear blogger friend, Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar. About the book This book is a collection of personal travel tales of the author. It includes experiences that range from fun and romantic to at times dark and… Read More Book Review: Travel, My Way A Travelogue by Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar #BlogchatterEbook

Down the memory lane, Me, Movie Talks, Poetic thoughts, Relationships, Sharing views, Thoughts and musings, Writing

The poem that I wrote, and didn’t

Have you ever struggled with your pen or stared at a blank screen when the ideas in your mind just won’t let you rest? There’s so much to say but no word comes out right and no expression seems genuine. Every poem inside you remains unwritten and unsaid. I have, and trust me it’s the… Read More The poem that I wrote, and didn’t