Blogging Challenge, Down the memory lane, Family matters, Humour, Kids, Mothers, Such is life

Parent-Teacher Meeting and Me

Disclaimer: This is a personal experience. Any resemblance to any harrowed mother or shrugging father wary of parent-teacher meetings anywhere is purely coincidental, and understandable. You have my empathy. Mumbai was enveloped by angry grey clouds ready to lash and drown everything they towered upon that day. The pleasant feel-good drizzling of the day before… Read More Parent-Teacher Meeting and Me

Collaborations, Health, Kids, Lifestyle, Mothers

What Complan price is worth for your kid’s health #63PercentMoreProtein

Parents play an important role in shaping the lifestyle of their kids. Whether it is about choosing healthy food over junk or playground games and sports over gadgets, the onus of setting the right example lies mostly on us. Children follow what they observe, not what they’re told, don’t they? Factors like the right nutrition,… Read More What Complan price is worth for your kid’s health #63PercentMoreProtein

Collaborations, Kids, Parenting, Reviews

This is how I enable online security for my kids using Happinetz

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging journeys for any parent. Every day and every child comes with a promise of being different and bright, and sometimes testy and taxing. The tried-and-tested handed-down parenting mantras from our well-meaning friends and family often don’t stand their ground today. Right from changing family structures to… Read More This is how I enable online security for my kids using Happinetz

Blogging, Education, India, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, Sharing views

Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

As parents, we always strive to give our kids the best. Whether it is nutritious food to boost their immunity, outdoor games to keep them fit and healthy, or aptitude books to promote their mental development, we pay close attention to everything. Is this enough to prepare them for the big bad world out there… Read More Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

A Junior, Blogging Challenge, Home, Kids, Memorable Moments, Movie Talks, Parenting, Sharing views

Yes, I’m an Avengers Newb!

As far as moms go, I rate myself the weirdest coolest. (Although, some might contend that fiery describes me better! 😉 ) I don’t take parenting too seriously and seek the right balance between being a parent and a friend. While I’m relatively modern, my upbringing ways were largely traditional up until the pandemic hit… Read More Yes, I’m an Avengers Newb!