A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Funny life, Holidays, India, Mumbai, Travel tales, Writing, Yummy yum

X is for Xceptional Flavours #BlogchatterA2Z

There is a famous saying, “You are what you eat”. Logic dictates that this implies the effect of our food choices on our health, and rightly so. Healthy food might not ensure good health every time but it is definitely a better option than junk food. Personally though, I feel this line encompasses lot more… Read More X is for Xceptional Flavours #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Funny life, Home, Kids, Kitchen calling, Marriage, Mothers, Sibling love, Summer, Writing, Yummy yum

M is for Mango #BlogchatterA2Z

After lapping up one yum food post after another I wonder if it crossed anyone’s mind that no fruit had made it to my list yet. Truth be told, the king of all fruits does like to make a grand entrance (or show up late, if you may 😛 ). Hey, it isn’t my doing… Read More M is for Mango #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Family matters, Funny life, Home, India, Kids, Relationships, Such is life, Writing, Yummy yum

J is for Jalebi #BlogchatterA2Z

The deftness of his hands, the precision of his movements, the perfect shapes and the impeccable lining up put me in a near-meditative state. However, I was quickly shaken to reality by the stark contrast of my surroundings. The sweltering heat of the stove, the visible patches of sweat under his armpit and the restless… Read More J is for Jalebi #BlogchatterA2Z

Festivals, Festive season, Health, Home, India, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Nutrition, People, Yummy yum

5 Fasting Foods for Shivratri

As a child Shivratri always held a special place in my heart. The revelry in and around our home on this day was infectious. Some people started chanting mantras early in the morning while others loudly played bhajans on their tape-recorders for others’ benefit. Waking up early and accompanying our parents to the temple was… Read More 5 Fasting Foods for Shivratri

Family matters, Fitness, Home, Kids, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Me, Motivation, Nutrition, Parenting, Yummy yum

Healthy Spinach cutlets: A rains and food hookup

No matter how old, looking at rains we subconsciously sing Pitter-patter raindrops in our minds (or sometimes out loud), don’t we? The lush green of trees divinely balances out the murky sky that’s painted a dull grey and makes us feel blue. We crave for everything from a long drive to the warmth of a blanket… Read More Healthy Spinach cutlets: A rains and food hookup

A Junior, Angel, Blog friends, Blogging, Blogtrain, Holidays, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Mumbai, Parenting, School Time, Writing, Yummy yum

Now cooking, with son: Paneer Lasagna

Cooking and writing are two of my favourite hobbies. No wonder then that sharing recipes, which involves both, is fast becoming my favourite third hobby. 🙂 I prefer home food over outside food and like to toss up a storm in my kitchen with dishes I find interesting. Seeing how sportingly my guinea pig family… Read More Now cooking, with son: Paneer Lasagna

A Junior, Angel, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Mothers, Mumbai, Nutrition, Parenting, School Time, Writing, Yummy yum

Food post ~ Cheesy Sago Muffins

Remember the scene in the movie Ra.One where Shahrukh Khan eats noodles with yoghurt? The first time I saw it, “What’s wrong with him?” (his character, not SRK) was my instant reaction. Some might call it culinary sin while others might have a good laugh over the idea of pairing our desi dahi with Italian… Read More Food post ~ Cheesy Sago Muffins