A Junior, A to Z, Angel, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Parenting, Sibling love, Writing

F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z

“Where did they get this from?” is one question that keeps niggling me every time I see my kids hop animatedly at the sight of a McDonalds or a Burger King. They aren’t fans of burgers, mind you. It is the French fries that make them drool. A quick stop at any of these joints… Read More F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z

Angel, Arty Mood, Family matters, Kids, Love, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, Relationships, Sibling love, Such is life, Thinking hat, Thoughts and musings

Mommy to a 4yo Angel :-)

Dear Angel, It often happens that I sit to write something for you with an amazing string of thoughts in my mind but no amount of words ever do any justice to them. I write and rewrite, over and over, feeling that I haven’t conveyed even a minuscule percentage of what I intended to. Motherhood… Read More Mommy to a 4yo Angel 🙂

A Junior, Fathers, Feelings, Kids, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, That one time, Thoughts and musings

Letter from a decade-old Mom

Dear A Jr, I passed on few of my priced possessions from college, a stash of my vocabulary reference books, to you before I sat down to write this. You celebrated your tenth birthday last week and as your mom I personally feel a sense of fulfilment in the knowledge that you’re reading what I… Read More Letter from a decade-old Mom

A Junior, Angel, Family matters, Home, India, Kids, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, School Time, Sharing views, Such is life

The new kids in our life

“All the flowers will be in my room!”Angel declared excitedly while scurrying towards the plant shop. We had been discussing about getting some much-needed greens and colours for our new home the previous day. With five balconies, the possibilities with space and choice was immense. There was so much we could do! While A bowed… Read More The new kids in our life

Family matters, Fitness, Home, Kids, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Me, Motivation, Nutrition, Parenting, Yummy yum

Healthy Spinach cutlets: A rains and food hookup

No matter how old, looking at rains we subconsciously sing Pitter-patter raindrops in our minds (or sometimes out loud), don’t we? The lush green of trees divinely balances out the murky sky that’s painted a dull grey and makes us feel blue. We crave for everything from a long drive to the warmth of a blanket… Read More Healthy Spinach cutlets: A rains and food hookup

A Junior, Angel, Kids, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, School Time, Sibling love, Such is life

School days with siblings

Even as I stood at the school gate to receive her, I knew Angel was sobbing. This was new and strange because whenever I drop her, once inside, she doesn’t even turn to bid goodbye to me *wipes a lone tear with my pallu t-shirt*. My over-imaginative mind went into overdrive concocting various scenarios my… Read More School days with siblings