Angel, Arty Mood, Family matters, Kids, Love, Me, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Parenting, Relationships, Sibling love, Such is life, Thinking hat, Thoughts and musings

Mommy to a 4yo Angel :-)

Dear Angel, It often happens that I sit to write something for you with an amazing string of thoughts in my mind but no amount of words ever do any justice to them. I write and rewrite, over and over, feeling that I haven’t conveyed even a minuscule percentage of what I intended to. Motherhood… Read More Mommy to a 4yo Angel 🙂

A Junior, Angel, Feeling blue, Feelings, Mothers, Mumbai, School Time, Such is life, Whines and whispers

Tears of #gratitude, because of her

Life is the best teacher. It teaches us the most profound lessons in the most unusual circumstances and in the simplest ways. When some things are easily at our disposal, we often tend to overlook their significance and it takes no less than a rude reality check to make us wake up to the gratitude… Read More Tears of #gratitude, because of her