BlogchatterA2Z, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Nutritious Food

J ~ Nutritious Foods for a Fit Lifestyle #BlogchatterA2Z

Food is as much for comfort as it is for nourishment. To make a healthy lifestyle choice one must draw the line between the need and desire for it. We often tend to undermine the goodness of certain foods just because they’ve been around. Additionally, we consume few others without realising how they affect our body. Wouldn’t some knowledge and conscious inclusion of nutritious food items help us work around them?

Foods that impart flavour to a recipe are often believed to have limited scope. However, that’s not always true. Did you know that even the generally disliked bitter gourd has health benefits?

Nutritious Foods for a Fit Lifestyle_AVIBRANTPALETTE


Jaggery is unrefined sugar made from sugarcane or palm and is produced around the world with different names. India ranks highest amongst the world’s jaggery production. Jaggery is often touted as a healthy replacement for refined sugar because it contains some nutrients due to its molasses content. It may also contain small amounts of calcium, copper and other minerals depending upon the plant it has come from.

While its nutritious quotient is debatable, jaggery is a natural sweetener. It can be used in traditional desserts like halwa or laddoos. In fact, Gulel rosogulla exclusively depends on its lovely taste.


Mexican food palate is quite similar to India. It hence isn’t surprising that this Mexican chilly import is famous here as well. Jalapenos are available in different varieties with the spice content varying from mild to very hot. Jalapenos contain good amounts of Vitamin A, B, C and K and potassium. Capsaicin compound makes these peppers spicy and provides some health benefits too.

Jalapenos give Mexican dishes like Enchiladas their distinct taste. In India they’re mostly available in supermarkets in both fresh and canned form. You can add them to salads, soups, sandwiches or dips for some extra spice kick.


Jackfruit is an exotic tree fruit and is quite large in size. It is spiky from outside is divided in fleshy pods inside. Its shredded meat-like texture makes it the perfect vegetarian substitute. Jackfruit is high in carbs and also contains good amount of proteins and many essential vitamins and minerals. It is full of antioxidants and fiber too. Jackfruit improves heart health and controls blood sugar levels. It boosts immunity and its astringent property makes it good for skin.

Jackfruit’s fruity and sweet flavour makes it fit to eat raw or cooked. It is used in both sweet and savoury recipes. It is nutritious and the main ingredient in many Konkan and South Indian recipes.


Jamun or black plum is native to India and looks inviting with its lovely rich purple colour. It is a seasonal fruit found during the monsoons and a powerhouse of nutrients. Jamun increases haemoglobin in your blood with its high iron content. It has anti-bacterial properties and strengthens gum and teeth. It is good for diabetics, boosts heart health and has astringent property which makes it great for skin.

Jamun can be eaten raw or made into squash and stored in bottles. Jamun juices, ice-creams, shots are just some ways of enjoying this lovely nutritious fruit.

Additionally, Jaljeera is a famous refreshing drink for summers. How can I forget the sinful indulgence of jalebi or the tempting colours of jam and jelly? Want to add your favourites here?

This post is part of the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge by Blogchatter

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19 thoughts on “J ~ Nutritious Foods for a Fit Lifestyle #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants, I love having it post lunch daily. My first taste with jalapeno was as a topping on pizza, and after finding its benefits as anti oxidant as well as containing carotene & capsaicin I often use them in sandwich and salads and even make poppers too. I like jackfruit raw in vegetable, cant have its sweet version. And Jamun yet another small but powerful fruit. A great post with so many healthy J options.

  2. Great! I am drooling over all the Js. You have perfectly mentioned all the benefits of different veggies and fruits.. I have replaced sugar with jaggery long back, jackfruit has always topped the chart at my home be it kathal k kofte, bhajjiyan, do pyaza in all way we jackfruit is loved. Unfortunately jamun I couldn’t taste in lat 6 years.

  3. Jammun jaggery jalapeno wow one good thing after another. And jackfruit picture looked do sumptuous that i wanted to pick up one. I never really thought so much about jalapenos and their nutrition value. Amazing information all at one place
    Deepika Sharma

  4. I dont use much of jaggery although I should, Jalapeno also we dont get here….Jackfruit is something I hate the smell. But I love Jamun. I have a jamun tree as well. I have made jamun popsicles.

  5. I love Jalapeños in my Indianised Italian and Mexican recipes. It’s my favourite spice. Jamun also is a one of my favourite fruits. Thanks for sharing the nutritional qualities of these foods.

  6. Jamun is my favourite, unfortunately don’t get them very easily here. Infact even Unripe Jackfuit ( or kathal) is my favourite, but we have to cut and clean it ourselves here, so usually give it a miss

  7. For decades, we grew jackfruit in our house. They could grow to really huge sizes.

    Of the lot, I’d choose jalapeños as my fav… Jamun I honestly have very little experience with

  8. Again, Jaggery is something I can’t do without. Whether it’s porridge, rice kheer, suji kheer, besan laddoo, or any other sweet, I love to add jaggery powder to enhance the taste and nutritional value. Jalepeno usually goes well with stir fried vegetables. Believe me, I have never tasted a jack fruit before. Jamun is a favorite fruit but we don’t get it here. You shouldn’t have mentioned jaljeera and jalebi. You know, it’s hard to get over those cravings sometimes 🙂

  9. All “J”s are amazing and I loved all of them except jackfruit. somehow, never give it a try. after reading your post, thinking to give this a try soon. here in USA, we rarely get a chance to eat Jamun. I am craving for it after reading your post.

  10. It was amazing reading all the nutritional benefits of them . We use jaggery powder as a substitute of sugar in many devices dishes now . I love jamun any day . My mother use jamun powder for her diabetes .

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