Fiction, Story-telling, Writing, Writing Prompts

What a puzzle, this world! #BlogchatterBlogHop

I sit idle all day gathering dust, the pain of being forgotten for years gnawing away at me. Once shiny and the center of attention, rust is now slowly eating away my soul, crushing it into pieces. I’ve been here since dog years, dating back longer than the current inhabitants of this place. They pass by me several times a day, rendering a cursory glance and disapprovingly wondering aloud why I’m still here. For them, I’m an artifact at best but the memories I carry within my body and curves are mine to remember. This isn’t the world I was brought into. Do they realise my existence here is less of a puzzle than theirs?

Indian households have a beautiful morning tea ritual and my lady ensured that I made it special for her family every day. The lovely aroma emanating as her fresh ground tea masala gently boiled with ginger, tea, sugar, and milk brought everyone to the dinner table instantly. She deftly balanced my weight while handling the tricky handle and fondly sieved the tea in every cup. That smile on her face as she took a quick sip to check the taste was priceless. Oh, how I wish that time had never ended!

What a puzzle, this world!_avibrantpalette

My lady, adorned by a sandalwood garland, surrounded by her husband and children looks at me through her picture on the wall. Her smile doesn’t seem to reach her eyes though. Generations have gone by and her septuagenarian grandson is now the family head. He’s retired, widowed, and spends most of his time reading books and newspapers. His middle-aged son and daughter-in-law are workaholics and have two teenage kids who never seem to leave their rooms when home. They all attend to his needs but strangely never seem to have any time to talk. Most of the time it’s him and me, trying to solve the puzzle of life. Has everything in the world changed so much?

My lady’s fondness for me kept me here but many of my friends weren’t that lucky. Minimal living meant sacrificing every signature thing that defined this house. Handpicked ornate décor was replaced with paintings by famous names, exquisite cutlery tossed at the back of the cupboard, and uniqueness traded for bland interiors. Is it really a puzzle that the soul of a home lies in the love with which it is decorated?

Conversations, food, and laughter were the best part of sitting at the dinner table together. Packets of biscuits and endless cups of tea disappeared quickly when guests came over. Alas, now everyone turns up when they please and sits alone with their phone. Fancy drinks like green tea, detox water, wheatgrass juice, etc puzzle me no end. Thankfully, my friend coffee sometimes makes an appearance and I’m motivated to carry on.

Everyone had or made time for each other back then. My lady’s waiting eyes scanned everyone on the road with me on the stove, ready to serve my master his favourite beverage as soon as he walked in the front door. They shared more than a cup of tea during those precious moments. I was the mute spectator of their beautiful love and bonding. The kids’ insistence to hang out at some Starbucks while their parents attend work parties nowadays is a puzzle I truly can’t solve. Family time, anyone?

Home is where you find peace. It is where you unwind, rest, and be yourself. Small moments of togetherness bring happiness while occasions become more special in the company of loved ones. However, the grandeur of festivals and the merriment that comes with them are slowly diminishing. Gadgets over people and chats over real conversations. Luxury and showing off are being mistaken for happiness. Can anyone lead a life only to impress others? Please solve this puzzle for me.

I’m just a rusty kettle sitting on a dusty rack, what do I know about life you say? Don’t mistake me for being naïve. Like humans acquire grey hair with experience, my rust has collected years of silent examination with it. I’ve slowly seen customs and traditions disappear in the name of modernisation. Inclusivity has made people forget their identity. Competition, uninformed opinions, and pretense have changed how people see and perceive life and happiness. Isn’t it better to just sit here then? Not useful, agreed, but at least I’m still the same old me!

This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop

© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

23 thoughts on “What a puzzle, this world! #BlogchatterBlogHop

  1. Loved your response on prompt. yes, most of us think materialistic pleasure is most important thing in life and we spend most of our life for chasing one thing after another. but the true happiness of lies in enjoying simple moment. simple and joyful moment make our life beautiful not the expensive home stuffs.

  2. Very well narrated the point of view of Tea pot and yes the way we attain experience our things too. I liked that you choose a non-living thing and given feelings to it.

  3. Wow.. Really? Very well expressed Varsha and thought provoking too. There would be so many things that must have seen generations together and must be wondering how world has changed. Loved reading it.

  4. Interesting article i must say – i enjoyed reading this, and to be honest i am in agreement with the tea pot. I cherish the moments around our tea pot at home – even our dog joins us, and now as life is busy etc etc it is those memories that keep me going, and when home, i continue to indulge in those experiences – this part of life, tea with family and friends – is not a puzzle, but a glue 🙂

  5. Such an amazing story! It really captured my heart as it was incredibly well-penned. Life really has it’s twists and turns and ups and downs and it’s only when we live our lives mindfully that we get to appreciate everything in between as well.

  6. Very thought-provoking write up dear…love reading it …indeed like humans acquire grey hair with experience, my rust has collected years of silent examination with it. I just love these lines.

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