Blogging, Fathers, Fiction, Relationships, Story-telling, Writing, Writing Prompts

The hero with no cape #WriteBravely

“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”  Suraj drearily read the Whatsapp forward his sister sent him. He abhorred checking messages, much less when they weren’t urgent or important. Right now though, he didn’t have the energy to deal with her I-atleast-remembered-you saga. He… Read More The hero with no cape #WriteBravely

Blogging, Friends, Friendship, Just rambling, Me, Mumbai, Relationships, Such is life, Thoughts and musings, Whines and whispers, Writing

Is being a good listener always a virtue?

There are people who promise to be there for others, and then there are those who actually are. If you’re someone who makes your presence felt in someone’s life even before they say the word, you’re admittedly the best. It really doesn’t take a lot to be good to others. We all need a friend/partner/confidante… Read More Is being a good listener always a virtue?

Blogging, Motivation, Non-fiction, Sharing views, Thoughts and musings, Writing

7 Blogging tips for 2019 Challengers #SuperBloggerChallenge 2018

Blogging is one of the best things that happened to me. It has given me wings and encouraged me to take flight. It has helped create an audience and infused some much-needed confidence in a closet writer like me. The blogosphere has a vast pool of knowledge we can all benefit from and has a… Read More 7 Blogging tips for 2019 Challengers #SuperBloggerChallenge 2018

Blogging, Funny life, India, Me, Mothers, Sharing views, Such is life, Thinking hat, Women, Writing, Yummy yum

5 things I cannot live without #SuperBloggerChallenge2018

‘Tere bina jeena bhi hai kya jeena’ the lyrics went. Time and again Hindi movies and songs have reminded us that love is something we cannot live without. The romantic that I am, I deeply believe in it. Love, however, has many dimensions. Categorising it or measuring it in quantitative terms isn’t possible. Sometimes I… Read More 5 things I cannot live without #SuperBloggerChallenge2018

Blogging, Fitness, Health, Holidays, India, Kids, Mothers, Sharing views, Thinking hat, Writing

Vacay this year with your new friend #Instacuppa #Superbloggerchallenge2018

With summer vacations round the corner many of us are planning our annual family trip for some much-needed R & R and quality time with our loved ones. Exotic locales are explored and zeroed in while suitcases are filled with colourful breezy attire to beat the heat. Parents and kids alike look forward to the… Read More Vacay this year with your new friend #Instacuppa #Superbloggerchallenge2018