Blogging, Education, India, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, Sharing views

Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

As parents, we always strive to give our kids the best. Whether it is nutritious food to boost their immunity, outdoor games to keep them fit and healthy, or aptitude books to promote their mental development, we pay close attention to everything. Is this enough to prepare them for the big bad world out there… Read More Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

Blogging, Blogtrain, Education, India, Indian, Non-fiction, Parenting, School days, School Time, Sharing views

A lesson for children: Republic Day & the Constitution of India

I’m a proud Indian. The fact that I’m born and brought up in a democracy which treats all its citizens equally, gives them the right to vote and select their representatives is no less than an honour for me. Our Constitution confers upon us many rights and freedoms which come to us as a birthright… Read More A lesson for children: Republic Day & the Constitution of India

Blogging, Education, India, Kids, Mothers, Motivation, Mumbai, Non-fiction, Parenting, People, Sharing views, Women, Writing, Writing Prompts

5 untold things about Motherhood #MondayMommyMoments

  I belong to the generation that has been witness to some of the most life-altering situations in terms of social perceptions. From seeing our homemaker mothers at our beck and call all day and having our fathers perform few household chores, we are acclimatising ourselves to the changing equations where both parents are bread-earners… Read More 5 untold things about Motherhood #MondayMommyMoments

A Junior, Books, Education, Fiction, Friendship, Funny life, India, Just rambling, Kids, Me, Motivation, Mumbai, Sharing views, Such is life, Thinking hat, Uncategorized

My relationship with books :-)

I won’t call myself a bookworm, primarily because my reading lulls are frequent and range from a few days, weeks to even a few months sometimes. Matters of precedence, too much of reading churning a cocktail of thoughts in my mind or, most commonly, time required to process something heavy that I read, make me… Read More My relationship with books 🙂

Blogging, Education, Fiction, General, India, Kids, Motivation, People, School Time, Story-telling, Taking up issues, Writing, Writing Prompts

The Door #writebravely

He turned and looked at the worn wooden door. “Just one last time.” He promised himself. As his gaze lingered upon it for longer than he intended, he noticed the scant remnants of the faded orange paint on it. “I had done it up myself.” He reminisced. The door, once magnificent and still heavy, was amongst… Read More The Door #writebravely