India, Motivation, Thoughts and musings, Women, Women's Day

Women Empowerment begins with you!

How often do you prioritise your own happiness over everyone else’s? Does every decision in your life involve taking a hundred permissions before you arrive at it? Have you gone ahead and planned something exclusively for yourself without taking refuge in excuses? These might seem small things to you but in reality, your attitude towards… Read More Women Empowerment begins with you!

Blogging, Sharing views, Taking up issues, Writing

Why #CauseAChatter is the right Blogchatter project for bloggers

Do you believe in fairytales? I do. The idea that someone in distress, like Cinderella, transforms herself with the help of Fairy Godmother into a charming and beautiful lady for a night is comforting. Shrek’s Princess Fiona, who despite being trapped in a desolate tower doesn’t lose her spirit and sassiness deserves admiration. Belle from… Read More Why #CauseAChatter is the right Blogchatter project for bloggers

Blogging, Education, India, Kids, Mothers, Parenting, Sharing views

Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

As parents, we always strive to give our kids the best. Whether it is nutritious food to boost their immunity, outdoor games to keep them fit and healthy, or aptitude books to promote their mental development, we pay close attention to everything. Is this enough to prepare them for the big bad world out there… Read More Basic Legal Rights of children in India #CauseAChatter

Blogging, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Sharing views, Thoughts and musings

8 New Year Resolutions you must make for life #CauseAChatter

I was introduced to the term ‘New Year resolution’ in school. Even as my friends excitedly shared their grand plans to secure better marks, hopefully, be nice to their siblings or confess to their crushes, I found myself utterly clueless. Did I have to wait for the calendar year to change to get moving? After… Read More 8 New Year Resolutions you must make for life #CauseAChatter