Blogging, Fiction, Funny life, General, Humour, India, Just rambling, Kids, Writing Prompts

The Revenge #FridayFotoFiction

Camouflage face paint, hearts beating furiously and a resolve of acting out their sinister plan, they crouched behind the grill near the door. Revenge is a dish best served cold. She wouldn’t know what hit her! Inside, the lady regaled her bored maid about the ‘thieves’ she reported to the cops. Her alertness had helped… Read More The Revenge #FridayFotoFiction

Blogging, Fiction, Funny life, Just rambling, Social Media, Writing, Writing Prompts

Vacation and detox #FridayFotoFiction

Finding a secluded corner in the buzzing restaurant at lunchtime was a nightmare. Meera’s irresistible charm did the trick though. As she quietly settled with her paraphernalia at the ocean view table, her mind was already at work. ‘This must be quick’, she reflected, as she longingly ran her fingers over the treasured embroidered package.… Read More Vacation and detox #FridayFotoFiction

Fathers, Feelings, Fiction, India, Parenting, Relationships, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing, Writing Prompts

The Party #FridayFotoFiction

“You know I don’t like this ‘Work hard, Party harder’ lifestyle.” he had carped under his breath. She had heard it anyway. “You cannot tell me what to do. I haven’t asked you how to conduct my life. We aren’t having this conversation again, ever!” she had blasted at him and banged the door hard… Read More The Party #FridayFotoFiction

Fiction, India, Marriage, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing, Writing Prompts

The Decision #FridayFotoFiction

She gazed at the fire without blinking.  The cacophony created by the fusion of numerous sounds like the chanting of mantras, the non-stop banter of friends and relatives or her irritatingly teasing cousins would’ve driven her up the wall on any other day; today had other pressing matters. She had given her consent to this… Read More The Decision #FridayFotoFiction

Fiction, Funny life, Humour, India, Mothers, Relationships, Story-telling, Women, Writing Prompts

Caught red-handed #FridayFotoFiction

She bit her lip to avoid screaming out loud whenever her smooth skin brushed against the rough greasy interior of the car trunk. She felt disgusted, filthy but this was imperative. His behaviour of late had aroused a lot of suspicion. His offhand attitude paired with frequent implausible excuses had made her take this extreme… Read More Caught red-handed #FridayFotoFiction

Fiction, Friends, Friendship, Funny life, Humour, Relationships, Writing Prompts

Inscrutable foodie #FridayFotoFiction

They knew each other since college time, had been working together for years and were amongst the lucky few who had turned their passion into a profession. They got an incredible thrill from it. It was one thing for these foodie friends to explore inexpensive food-joints as students and treat themselves to the best there… Read More Inscrutable foodie #FridayFotoFiction