Kids, Memorable Moments, Photos

Talent in the making

Having a kid at home unarguably implies that you have to be prepared to face innumerable and endless unimaginable surprises and unforgettable moments. This time round I’m talking about a ‘new’ thing that my son has learnt. No matter how much I try to hide it, he almost always finds my cellphone and keeps clicking photographs of God knows what! More often than not I find my memory card full of his curious and confusing photo-art. Sharing few of his ‘pictures’ with you…and yes…when I tried to click some similar ones myself…I miserably failed 😛

Interesting and impressive huh??

11 thoughts on “Talent in the making

  1. Hehe! Modern art? I really liked the second and the fourth one. :)And stop aping your child. cheap tactics to become as famous as him huh? 😛

  2. hihihi…first time on your blog and found one more person who is going thru the same state as mine….but ur son only takes pics…and my puts it into the water….right now i m having 3rd mobile in 2.5 yrs….:-) visit my blog to kn him more…

  3. @G: Hehe…you know I racked my brains like anything trying to make out just where he must've clicked them..but I couldn't find it! :(Awww..aren't all parents happy when their kids do something like this, and since I get to brag right now…why not?? :P@rohini: Welcome to my blog :)Oh dear…its always such a pleasure to meet moms of our age and discuss all the cute little naughty things our babies do! Thank God…as of now mine has not attempted the 'mobile bath' thing :PMore on your blog…

  4. Loved the first one most :)Maybe he is awed by the sound and appearance of flash each time he clicks pictures :)Let him have fun. The best thing of his creative naughtiness is that with digital photography you can simply erase them unlike older days reel film rolls :)Enjoy!!

  5. Hey CB…ya I think he likes the clicking sound and the flash too :)Its such a relief that I can erase most of his stuff…or else I'd go nuts saving all of them! The worst part is he'd clicked some very unflattering pictures of me which I dutifully erased with utmost priority 😛

  6. I think the title should be a photographer in making 🙂 Cute pics Varsh 🙂 Loved every bit of the him when he grows up and he will love you for treasuring these 🙂

  7. impressionist art? i particularly liked the third one — looks like some celestial light about to illuminate our dark existence. Not only mothers but even grandmothers like sharing the doings of their kids! I have a post about one such moment. visit again, Varsh!

  8. Sure I would love to :)How fact I think grandmothers like sharing stuff about kids more than their mothers :DJust random pictures…but can pass on as good abstract work right? 😛

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