A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Fitness, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Mothers, Nutrition, Writing, Yummy yum

P is for Paneer #BlogchatterA2Z

If you’re a regular on my blog or my Instagram profile you’re probably aware that paneer makes special appearances on them frequently. Paneer ranks high amongst my most favourite list of foods, its versatility and taste vigorously clinching this position for it. It is my go-to ingredient whenever I’m in a fix and never disappoints.… Read More P is for Paneer #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Kitchen calling, Such is life, Writing, Yummy yum

N is for Noodles #BlogchatterA2Z

“You made nothing else? Noodles are not food!” Imagine getting this sceptical retort after serving the labour of our love in a fancy dish with thoughtful presentation et al. The new generation, me and my brother, looked incredulously at the older one, Dad, and then bowed our heads low to hide our dismay. Mom quietly… Read More N is for Noodles #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, College fun, Friends, Friendship, Me, Such is life, Writing, Yummy yum

K is for Kanda pohe #BlogchatterA2Z

Complexities command attention but simplicity has its own charm. We may spend a lot of time getting all ingredients in order and following precise instructions to dish out the perfect recipe yet not feel accomplished when its ready. On the contrary, the simplest of dishes manage to please our taste buds and soul in strange… Read More K is for Kanda pohe #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Family matters, Funny life, Home, India, Kids, Relationships, Such is life, Writing, Yummy yum

J is for Jalebi #BlogchatterA2Z

The deftness of his hands, the precision of his movements, the perfect shapes and the impeccable lining up put me in a near-meditative state. However, I was quickly shaken to reality by the stark contrast of my surroundings. The sweltering heat of the stove, the visible patches of sweat under his armpit and the restless… Read More J is for Jalebi #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Down the memory lane, Family matters, Funny life, Holidays, Humour, India, Just rambling, Me, Writing, Yummy yum

I is for Ice-cream #BlogchatterA2Z

“I scream, You scream, We all scream for Ice Cream” goes the famous 1920s song. I cannot recollect much of the rest of it and, frankly, don’t see any need to. This line has managed to retain its huge popularity even after many decades, and rightly so. Choosing any food item other than ice-cream in… Read More I is for Ice-cream #BlogchatterA2Z

A to Z, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, College fun, Friends, Humour, Kitchen calling, Me, Mumbai, Such is life, Writing

G is for Gatte ki sabzi #BlogchatterA2Z

God is the best and oldest matchmaker of all. His expertise in the romance department might be debatable for few but human proficiency in forming perfect food pairings is undoubtedly beyond question. Waffles taste better with maple syrup while pizzas not loaded with cheese are just, not pizzas. Closer home, shrikhand puri, idli sambar, khichdi… Read More G is for Gatte ki sabzi #BlogchatterA2Z

A Junior, A to Z, Angel, BlogchatterA2Z, Blogging, Blogging Challenge, India, Kids, Kitchen calling, Memorable Moments, Parenting, Sibling love, Writing

F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z

“Where did they get this from?” is one question that keeps niggling me every time I see my kids hop animatedly at the sight of a McDonalds or a Burger King. They aren’t fans of burgers, mind you. It is the French fries that make them drool. A quick stop at any of these joints… Read More F is for French Fries #BlogchatterA2Z