Blog friends, Blogging, Guestpost, Humour, Indian, Kids, Mothers, Non-fiction, Parenting, Such is life

Navigating the Parenting Labyrinth #Guestpost by Pranitha

Hello friends! Owing to bad health and then shifting homes I’ve reluctantly been away from my blog for quite some time. Although the guestpost for this month has been delayed by three days I’m happy to have an old blogger friend here who I haven’t met but seem to have a deep connection with. She… Read More Navigating the Parenting Labyrinth #Guestpost by Pranitha

Blogging, Motivation, Non-fiction, Sharing views, Thoughts and musings, Writing

7 Blogging tips for 2019 Challengers #SuperBloggerChallenge 2018

Blogging is one of the best things that happened to me. It has given me wings and encouraged me to take flight. It has helped create an audience and infused some much-needed confidence in a closet writer like me. The blogosphere has a vast pool of knowledge we can all benefit from and has a… Read More 7 Blogging tips for 2019 Challengers #SuperBloggerChallenge 2018

A to Z, Blogging, India, Kitchen calling, Lifestyle, Mumbai, My first one, Non-fiction, Social Media, Story-telling, Such is life, Thinking hat, Thoughts and musings, Writing, Yummy yum

Foodtastic Fables #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

Participating in the April A to Z challenge, a mega event bloggers excitedly discuss and look forward to ever since the turn of the year had forever been on my wish list. This year it is finally happening for me and I have a theme in place too. 🙂 Playing the “Should I, shouldn’t I”… Read More Foodtastic Fables #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

Blogging, Home, India, Lifestyle, Me, Mumbai, Non-fiction, Sharing views, Trends

5 helpful tips to follow while decorating your new home

Standing in front of a leather sofa that looked chic and inviting but appeared slightly bigger for the area I was setting it up in, the somersaulting confused thoughts in my mind craved for a break. Sadly, the ‘you cannot have everything every time but there’s no harm in trying’ logic doesn’t work when it… Read More 5 helpful tips to follow while decorating your new home

Arty Mood, Festive season, India, Kids, Memorable Moments, Mumbai, Non-fiction, Sharing views, Travel tales, Writing, Yummy yum

Family, food, festival, fun and sel’f’ies

Ever since I discovered the amazing experience that the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is few years ago I’ve followed the ritual of attending it every year. Although squeezing out time for a variety of great workshops that are conducted there has remained a distant and challenging dream till now, I’m pleased that I’ve witnessed the… Read More Family, food, festival, fun and sel’f’ies

Blogging, Blogtrain, Education, India, Indian, Non-fiction, Parenting, School days, School Time, Sharing views

A lesson for children: Republic Day & the Constitution of India

I’m a proud Indian. The fact that I’m born and brought up in a democracy which treats all its citizens equally, gives them the right to vote and select their representatives is no less than an honour for me. Our Constitution confers upon us many rights and freedoms which come to us as a birthright… Read More A lesson for children: Republic Day & the Constitution of India