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Easy DIY Gardening Decor ideas for your home garden

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero. This is such a relatable quote, isn’t it? Just as a good book gives us food for thought, the positive vibes of a blooming garden nourish our soul. We feel closer to nature and are able to witness the beautiful process of growing something with love and care. Urban home gardeners now pay special heed to reserve dedicated spaces for indoor and outdoor plants and tend to them dearly. Home-grown organic vegetables in balconies and pots with self-made fertilisers are on the rise, and rightly so. Gardening decor that spruces up the space and gives it a warm, welcoming look is fast gaining popularity too.

Gone are the days when brown and black pots dominated the gardening decor space. Plant parents are now going a step further to give a colourful makeover to their precious plant babies. Bright pots and planters with cute designs, figurines, wire meshes, fountains, and such items give a lovely look but can be slightly pricey. DIY gardening decor helps you cut costs as well as give a personal touch to your home garden. Let me suggest a few ideas that you can try out.

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Painting on walls, bottles, or colourful stones

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Please don’t shy away if you don’t have a practised hand in painting. Even as an amateur many simple yet beautiful designs like birds, butterflies or flowers can be easily tried out. There are amazing videos on YouTube for bottle painting, like Mandala designs, spiritual and tribal art, etc. Place them indoors with a money plant branch and feel proud of yourself every day. Colourful stones are the best since they’re small and can have cartoon characters, leaves, or abstract designs, and can be placed in or around pots. Doesn’t this sound easy and fun?

Old tyres, chairs, and side tables

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Next time you’re throwing away that flat tyre from your two-wheeler, think again. Much like a wreath, old tyres can be used in the gardening decor. Let your creepers grow out around them and save the expense of buying metal rings. Faded, scratched wooden chairs can be refurbished and added as a sitting space in your garden. Also, you can place your cacti or succulents on the side tables and elevate the entire look.

Boots, shoes, and discarded cans

Pic courtesy – Pinterest

This might sound odd but old boots and shoes make for great planters. Depending on their make or material you can choose to colour them or leave them as it is. Select plants that don’t need a lot of water, if possible, since they may spoil over time with the humidity. Old paint and oil cans are sturdy and can be coloured or ‘dressed up’ in torn jeans or clothes to look brand new. These will give a whacky look to your gardening decor and cut costs when not needed.

Lamps, candles and bird feeders

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We’re all guilty of overstocking decoration items like lamps and candles for festive occasions. However, a lot of them simply gather dust and occupy space later. Try adding them to your gardening decor to experience that festive feeling every day. Light them up in the evening and enjoy some quiet, relaxing me-time. Additionally, water pans and feeders for birds add life and help us contribute a small bit to their comfort as well.

Creating a garden is much like raising a child or a pet. It takes constant attention and sincere effort to help it bloom. Gardening decor keeps it interesting and adds a fun element to an otherwise routine job. Involve your family and use your collective creative genius in making a happy space for your plant babies. They’ll surely return your love with additional interest. Isn’t that what they teach us too?

This post is part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter

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19 thoughts on “Easy DIY Gardening Decor ideas for your home garden

  1. I love to do various DIYs with my girls. loved all the ideas you have shared in this post. all are so creative and easy to make. will try few of these with my girls for sure. thanks for sharing.

  2. I am missing my garden 🙁 I left home in a minute last year when my son passed away. Living with my daughter is much better than living alone but I miss my garden and making the knock knacks you have shared. Only thing I dont know is where do you get paints to paint on rubber or plastic items?

  3. I fully agree with – If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need, and for an introvert like me, that space is sacred. Loved your ideas not only for the beauty but also because these are great recycling ideas.

  4. These are some really innovative ideas for garden decor. The best part is utiliing waste and turning them literally into works of art. These ideas are surely going to add vibrant colour to the garden.

  5. These are some really interesting DIY garden decor ideas. Right now, I am in the process of building a small balcony garden at our new place and I have been looking for such easy ideas to start with. Really helpful, thanks for sharing, Varsha.

  6. I am plant parent and love talking to these cute green babies. In fact, my own child tells me sometimes, you love plants and pots more than me. I found these decor ideas so good, Varsha.

  7. Such a lovely post you have shared Varsha! We too are big on gardening and have a rooftop garden. These tips are great!

  8. These are some really nice and useful ideas to decorate little garden in a beautiful way. Loved all DIY . My plants hardly sustain though i love gardening

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