A to Z, Blogging, Down the memory lane, Family matters, Home, Kitchen calling, Me, Relationships, Thoughts and musings, Yummy yum

My Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

Participating in the April A to Z challenge, a mega event bloggers excitedly discuss and look forward to ever since the turn of the year had forever been on my wish list. This year it is finally happening for me and I have a theme in place too.

Playing the “Should I, shouldn’t I” game, the quintessential flower replaced with a blank screen that had been mocking me for my imaginative lethargy, I decided to take the plunge into deep waters. I’m nervous, but happy about it. 🙂

I love expressing through the written word and absorbing it through reading as well. Many of the bloggers I’ve read and known over time have enriched me in more ways than one. Imagine the opportunity to connect with more such awesome people through this challenge!

What is A to Z Challenge?

Blogging everyday in the month of April, except Sundays, that is 26 days. Starting with A for first day, B for second and so on, writing posts that correspond to the alphabet for that day.

How to go about A to Z challenge?

Having a theme is not compulsory but it helps if the readers know what to expect from you to come back for more each day. Writing-wise too your job becomes easier since you can streamline your ideas and thoughts beforehand.

Things to keep in mind!

Make sure you have a good database of posts so you won’t have to rush later. Ensure your social media handles are working and embedded. Edit them if any recent changes made. Follow Blogchatter on Twitter for regular updates.

What to do after publishing the post?

Share it across all social media with the correct hashtags. Tag relevant bloggers.

What next?

Read, share and repeat! These challenges are a great way to improve your rankings and reach. Interact and connect with bloggers. Form relationships. The blogosphere is a lovely place!

My theme: Foodtastic Fables ???

My blog is my extension, a myriad of expressions and hobbies. Fiction, parenting, recipes, poetry, etc, I’ve dabbled in everything. A non-fictional theme bringing the food-lover and story-teller in me together to share cute anecdotes that revolve around food hence took shape. Thanks dear Mayuri for the theme title and inputs for the creative. 🙂

Celebration, indulgence or gloom, there’s food for every mood and so are the stories associated with it!

Believe it or not, the kitchen platform sees more drama everyday than a saas-bahu serial. Big or small or belonging to any economical strata, every family’s life revolves around the kitchen. Starting from which cooking oil to buy to who washed off the ice-cream, there are umpteen stories to laugh about. One only needs to look closely.

Come over to my blog this April as I share with you fun food stories about our mad foodie family. I look forward to having a great time with my fellow bloggers during this challenge and learn as much as I can!

19 thoughts on “My Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Thats one of my favourite topic. Should I or shouldn’t I is still the case with me. Hope to complete with you all. All the best for your first challenge.

  2. I have know you as a writer who has twist in stories where no one would expect. Also have seen your creative chef skills! The 26 posts that mix both of your expertise are going to be super sizzling. Look forward to delectable tales, Varsh.
    All the best.

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