Blogging Challenge, Fitness, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa, Selfcare, Sharing views, Transformation

Let the motivation come from within #FitnessWithVarsh

Have you ever seen an impossible dream and procrastinated trying to achieve it since it seemed too ambitious? We’re often slaves to our insecurities and dogged by mistrust and self-doubt. The first and biggest step to boost motivation is feeling that tug from within us. I’ve always been overweight and am leading a healthy and fit life for the last few years. The journey has been thorny but smelling the rose at the end of it is a perk I couldn’t have missed.

Even as my husband tch’ed in disapproval I narcissistically shared few pictures of me on social media on my birthday last week. I had indulgently splurged on a couple of new chic dresses and wanted to look and feel my best. The overwhelming reactions I received moved me to tears and made all those grueling gym sessions seem like a breeze. Such amazing people in life are a blessing! Anyone who says they don’t enjoy such flattery is lying.

The most common question that I kept answering was how I lost all that weight. I shared tips, my personal hacks, and even my workout schedule but how can I feed someone motivation? One might watch encouraging videos, read self-help books or seek inspiration from someone but change begins only when they break out of mental and physical inertia. No one can help them there and nothing can stop them once they do.

With #FitnessWithVarsh I take you on a trip to understand the dos and don’ts that come with the territory and share my personal account. Honestly, fitness was and is my primary concern and weight loss is more than what I had bargained for. I love basking in all the love that flows my way but the struggle to turn up for a workout on a lazy day is only mine to counter. Nevertheless, I can proudly confess that I’ve never sought external stimulus or motivation. I’m there for me and I’m enough.

I’ve never followed any fancy diet and like variations in my workout routine. Sharing some points that have worked well for me. Hope they can cater to you too.

  • Align your fitness goals with your lifestyle and make corresponding changes in diet, sleep pattern, me time, and rest. Don’t rush and stress too much. Enjoy the experience.
  • Aim high but make short-term realistic goals to get there. You don’t lose 10 kgs or lift heavyweights in a month. You didn’t gain it all in one day, did you? Give it time.
  • Insist on consuming a balanced home-cooked meal. If that’s not possible, at least go for healthy options. Avoid junk and packaged foods. Midnight binging and snacking must be controlled.
  • Earn your cheat days. Celebrate small milestones but don’t get complacent. Learn to say no to cravings, friends, and family. Seek their support instead. 
  • Listen to your body. While slight discomfort is acceptable, seek medical advice if there’s persistent pain. You can’t perform your best if you’re demotivated or distracted. Take a break and don’t feel guilty about it.
  • Sweating is good but it isn’t everything. Gentle exercises for mobility, balance, flexibility, etc are just as important. Make fitness your motivation and let your inner strength develop. 
  • Finally, remember that you owe it to yourself. Don’t you want to get impressed by your mirror image?

Have you given up on your goals because you weren’t motivated enough? Did you hope to have someone beside you and cheer you on? Make me your friend and let me know your thoughts. I’ll listen. 🙂

This post has been written as part of  Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa campaign.

© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

42 thoughts on “Let the motivation come from within #FitnessWithVarsh

  1. “ I’m there for me and I’m enough.”- that should be the mantra. Inner motivation is the main element whenever it comes to anything related to inner self. And once we have that nothing can stop us from achieving our goal. Be it fitness, career or personal.

  2. Loved all the tips Varsha and I also feel that everyone should try to adopt healthy lifestyle practices as a part of their routine life and should try to enjoy this journey and overall experience. taking extra stress never work in long term and you feel over exhausted after few days of over enthusiasm.

  3. My biggest challenge is the variation in my exercise routine. I am motivated and I do regular exercises but because of the lockdowns, it has been hard for including different types of exercises. Hopefully I can start to develop a routine and stick to it.

  4. Your fitness journey is indeed inspiring, Varsha. You have shared some excellent pointers. Particularly about listening to your body. Fitness journey should not be limited to a few days, it needs to be a lifestyle change.

  5. You are such an inspiration, Varsha. You have had an amazing transformation. My daughter is also losing weight and feeling motivated about it. You have rightly said that unless the motivation comes from within it is not possible. Moderation is the key to any weight loss program.

  6. Such a detailed post, Varsha. Your fitness journey is inspiring, no doubt but your committment towards ensuring you follow a healthy lifestyle, not overdoing it but being consistent is commendable.

  7. I loved reading your post Varsha. Your transformation has been remarkable and yes, while the journey has been difficult, it has been worth it.
    While your tips are helpful, you are correct in saying that if the motivation doesn’t come from within then nothing can happen. We, ourselves, have to take that first step!

  8. I so agree with you Varsha, we may have best of facilities to shed those extra kgs but its imporsible to loose if there is no inner passion and will to do this. I have been struggling with same motivation issues from within hence have not been able to do it.

  9. Your tips are practical and useful. And your before-after pictures tell me your transformation is amazing! What’s more, I know from your socials that you’re highly committed to eating home-cooked food and exercising regularly. It’s inspiring!

  10. This is such a motivating post. I have been dealing with health issues for sometime now. All my fitness goals have been put on a backburner because of some other priorities which I cannot discuss publicly. I wish to get back in shape soon though. I’ll follow your series on #FitnessWithVarsh.

  11. Thanks for the motivation, though I have started working on it, still someday I feel lazy. I Will surely ping you whenever I need help. 😊😊thanks for sharing this post with us

  12. You are an inspiration Varsha. I have been working on it but again consistency and self motivation is the key. Recently I have started playing sports and totally loving it. When you do what you love the result will show up.

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