I like you. I really do.
You belong to the fast developing endangered species of altruistic humans that a lot of bloggers base their egos and self-worth on. In all your selfless grandeur, you lurk somewhere in the dark alleys of the blogosphere till the time some unsuspecting soul smudges the ‘New post’ page with something, anything, and hits the ‘Publish’ button in all his naiveté.
You zoom past everything else to make your presence felt right away with a simple (and much appreciated) click on the keyboard. What mould are you made out of? How can you be so big-hearted? Does this come naturally to you?
You are any blogger’s dream come true! We don’t have to lose sleep over having to turn the comments off to avoid any nasty conversations on controversial topics, writing painfully long venting-out posts or creating illegible slipshod poetry. Bothering ourselves about their acceptance or the affect they’ll have our readership isn’t even a concern anymore. How great is that! 😀
I haven’t had the heart to keep track of how many munificent souls like you have blessed my blog with their company, but it is truly an honour. Never mind the trivial fact that plugging my blog to such ghost ‘likers’ wasn’t why I started it in the first place. I had these silly notions called writing, creativity, letters, sharing, feedback, etc. What, I was living in denial, you say? May be.
Every one of us loves stats. I do too. I’d be lying if I say that crossing impressive milestones on my blog every time didn’t make me feel like doing the ‘Shake it Daddy’ routine. However, I would be genuinely flattered if someone actually liked what I wrote or shared and gave their two cents on it, if possible; even constructive criticism.
I have met and made a lot of virtual friends here, some of whom probably know me better than my real friends right now. We have a relationship that extends far deeper than the generic ‘liking’ and/or ‘commenting’ on each other’s blogs. I truly value my readers and would like to believe that the feeling of respect and admiration is mutual.
So, when you like ten posts on my blog in less than a minute, I’m not particularly inclined to take it as a compliment. Also, reciprocating just for the sake of it isn’t my scene. Whether you visit my blog just to post your link or try enticing me into it with some well-rehearsed prep talk, I’m quite boring and disobliging that way. I’ll come to your blog and stay if you’re good though, I promise.
There’s a good chance you won’t spare your precious time to read this post, like many others, but when a woman has to talk she just needs to. 🙂
But what if we just don’t have much to say????? I feel you! Comments are rare these days anywhere on social media. It would be nice to get some good cc but what can you do!
This made me giggle. Good read????????
Haha…not much to say and blogging don’t go hand in hand. Do they? 😉
Commenting isn’t essential, but this kind of liking is strange in the least. It proves the ‘liker’ is either a superfast reader or a non-reader. ????
Thanks for your comment and welcome here. I’m giggling too!
I’m not sure y, I wasn’t being funny;) ..so black and white you are it screams from your words. Just saying! Good day!
Hmm, beg to differ here. I’m not black and white in the least. Just honest and don’t mince words. Good day to you too!
‘When a woman has to talk she just needs to’ and your ‘virtual’ buddies are all ears (I definitely am).. (Belated) Good Morning Varsha !
Thanks to lovely women like you, even a confused and disguised rant post like this isn’t so bad!
Ofcourse my virtual friend, thanks for listening and bearing with me. Belated Good Morning to you too! ☺☺
i was just about to restate the line Nitha “When a woman has to talk she just needs to”.. we have to and we will…
Ofcourse! A woman is born with an additonal right to talk…as much as she wants and needs to. :)😆
ya ya.. about anything under the sun, changing from A to Z..
Exactly! 😀
We will and we must, Akhila and yes I noticed the name, love it 🙂
Hmmm…Perfy is Nitha…but I like Perfy more 😉
Lazy me…so skipped ‘pra’😜
Can’t be biased there, love every version of my name coming up. So glad to have you dear friends around 🙂
Glad to have you around too Perfy! 🙂
Morning varsha..
Good afternoon Akhi. ☺
10 posts in a minute wow ow you are lucky..
Totally understand what about followers don’t they fall in same category I get followers in groups nd then never see them..
Blogging has become a funny world.. especially now you scratch my back in scratch yours…
Don’t worry about such idiots.. keep writing and I will keep commenting… do you want me to press the like button toooooo.. since you appreciate them more… ???????????? ha ha ha ha
Hahahaha…its not lucky or I wouldn’t crib about it! 😛
Same here Bikram. A asks me sometimes that howcome after having so many followers my posts don’t get as many views, likes or comments. I have no clue why!
The thing is that people fall for such numbers very easily. Quality no bar. That’s what I don’t agree with.
You are my one of the oldest blog friends Bikram! I appreciate you reading the most. The comments are a mere bonus. ????????????????
???????????? Hahahaha do you think marathon liker will read this ? I hope they will … ????
Hahaha…nope they won’t…and will miss out on a dedicated post I usually reserve only for family and friends. Their loss! ????????????
Thanks for commenting Mahesh. ????
???????????? poor fellas …
Keep writing Varsh ! ????????
I will. You see, I have trouble keeping emotions at bay. ????????????????????
spot on 🙂 message to the marathoner and abt stats 🙂 spot on! loved the last line- when a woman has to talk, she has to-adding to it : is she’s Virgo…. 😉
Hahaha! I know we all love to be widely read and popular and that can be gauged by stats alone, but whatever happened to actually liking blogging…I wonder.
Virgo women are like that na ???? no frills..plain spot on! ????
ha ha ha ha. Really Funny. But good you bought it up for discussion. Even I hate it, when people press the “LIKE BUTTON”. Whether they have read it or not, you never know. Is this their game of enticing you, or pleasing you ?
That’s why I always leave a nice big comment on the blogs I visit or post a pic, if I like it very much.
I feel blogging is like cooking. A like means a thumbs up and a comment means a compliment. It is unimaginable if someone gives a thumbs up without tasting, right? There are just so many people doing that now, I don’t understand the intent.
Honestly, there are times I read but don’t comment simply because I feel I cannot contribute to conversation.
It might be something like please first and entice later I think.
Hhehehehe 😀 😀 I’ve encountered this marathon ‘liker’ quite a number of times. The record till date is 25 posts in less than one minute (5G or 6G speed internet and a reading capability comparable to some alien) 😛
Right after I posted there was one on my blog. Something like 20 likes. I laughed hard. The person lost an opportunity to bask in the glory of his (mis)adventure. ????
I do not understand why people do that. Do you?