Me, Mothers, Non-fiction, Suffering

55 Non-fiction – Mother

I said, ‘Please talk to me.’ She didn’t.

I pleaded, ‘Please look at me.’ She didn’t.

I looked at my Dad. He stood by a corner, helpless.

Tears rolled down my eyes. I wished I could take back everything I ever did to upset her.

Nothing could be done now. Mom simply lay there. Lifeless.

17 thoughts on “55 Non-fiction – Mother

    1. Writing has been my vent….not just in the negative sense….for the longest time. Words sometimes help in releasing pent-up emotions more than we realise.

      Will surely read your post. Thanks for your comment Aparna. 🙂

        1. Thank you Umashankar. I don’t know if you would agree with this, but I’ve been able to find some relief through my blog and comments. 🙂

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