Fiction, Motivation, Music, Story-telling, Writing Prompts

Music #FridayFotoFiction


“I don’t have it in me anymore.” he had said.

One of the best guitarists of his time and his personal favourite, John was flabbergasted that he had to counsel Alex. Creative shutdowns weren’t unheard of in his profession, yet knowing that the man whose music had been his companion on many a lonely nights disturbed him.

Alex’s last collaboration was over a year ago and its failure had driven him into a shell. Rumourmongers had already written him off. He was so depressed that he hadn’t touched his priced guitar in months.

John knew he had to try something out of ordinary here. Music was lot more than big labels, setting records or thunderous sales; it was a spiritual experience. The sound of nature didn’t make a dime, but was priceless!

Walking together, John knew Alex felt the magic again. Music hadn’t deserted him. Not yet.

Linking this with Mayuri and Tina for #FridayFotoFiction


53 thoughts on “Music #FridayFotoFiction

  1. Loved your command on language and expression, Varsha. This was particularly lovely “Music was lot more than big labels, setting records or thunderous sales; it was a spiritual experience. The sound of nature didn’t make a dime, but was priceless”!

  2. Very well written. I tend to get into the shell once I fail. But this post is very motivational and has made me realize that we shouldn’t let failure define us!

  3. Varsha you indeed have an amazing capability to put together the words and bring out a wonderful write-up. I loved reading the posts. A fact that we all know but its beautifully coming out in your posts is that we should not sit back after a failure but should work and bounce back with something better and different. I loved both the characters John and Alex.

    1. Thank you so much, Rakhi. We often tend to forget the pain and hard work behind every note that we hear. I tried to imagine what effect failure has on it. Glad you liked it. 🙂

    1. Absolutely. Handholding is for comfort, assurance and also some motivation when required. Blogging world is more creative than the credit it is usually given. If it helps us all rise up together, why not? 🙂

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