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Self-care tips for a healthier and prettier you!

With every New Year we’re inclined to make a whole new set of resolutions. While many of them bite dust within a couple of days there are some that deserve to be seen through. One such resolution, rather promise, is self-care. Our busy lives often leave us with precious little time to devote exclusively to ourselves. Why not make it a way of life then to ensure that we keep this promise?

Self-care is a form of self-love that is usually underrated. Isn’t it easier to sneak behind excuses, gorge on that pizza and laze out on the couch with Netflix for company? This unhealthy lifestyle may seem tempting for now but can have adverse internal and external effects on our body. Let’s discuss some simple self-care tips that can be easily incorporated in our lives and are super beneficial too.


Eat healthy and natural foods

I’ve said this before and will never tire of insisting upon it. Healthy food implies homemade fresh food, free from preservatives and most of all, which retains the natural goodness of any food item.

  • Choose whole grains and if possible avoid packed flour
  • Use green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads regularly in your meals
  • Replace refined sugar with other alternatives like jaggery, brown sugar etc
  • Avoid processed fruit juices, fizzed drinks, etc.

Unhealthy food items can upset your digestion which can result in skin problems too. Hence, always make the healthier choice.

Spend time doing something you enjoy

Remember the time when our mothers had a hard time getting us keep our paint brushes aside even for a meal? Everything from sailing paper boats in a stream on the roadside to playing with our pets was a thrill. Wonder where that child in us went? Self-care is all about pampering that little part of us that is untouched by the ways of the world.

  • Invest time in a hobby. Find a new one or revive old ones.
  • Activities like reading, dancing, gardening, writing etc can be enjoyed alone and are therapeutic too.
  • You can enrol yourself in book clubs, support groups etc where mingling with like-minded people will keep you interested.

Don’t follow others or a pattern, its all about finding joy in the moment. It is all about you!

Say hello to healthy, glowing skin!

A good, healthy skin is everyone’s dream and for that a dedicated skincare routine is a must. Along with regular cleaning and moisturising, scrubbing is extremely important. is a wonderful product that contains natural oils and actives that work wonders for your skin.

Key Ingredients – Walnut shell powder, coconut oil, coconut shell powder, almond oil, saffron extract, pomegranate extract, etc.

  • It is paraben free- certified
  • Gently exfoliates your skin and removes blackheads.
  • Its natural ingredients hydrate your skin
  • It improves skin elasticity and collagen production.

Also, it smells heavenly. That’s an added bonus, isn’t it?

Make fitness a priority and participate in physical activities

People are realising the importance of fitness and physical activities like never before and that’s truly heartening. Physical health and mental health are closely related; technically called the psychosomatic effect. A run around the block, a game of badminton with your friend or an hour sweating out in the gym elevate your heartbeat but calm down your troubled mind. Ironic, isn’t it?

  • Grab your sneakers and go for a walk or jog everyday.
  • Sports like tennis, squash, football or cricket are as much fun to play as they are to watch. Whichever interests you, go for it.
  • Weight-training is a great way to build muscle strength. Use everyday items like books, water bottles or bolsters if you don’t have access to a gym.

Spend some time towards and for your body, both your heart and mind will bless you.

Nothing says self-care like a relaxed mind

If stress is a grey cloud then relaxation techniques are its silver lining. It is amazing how simple activities can iron out those stress lines from our foreheads and make us glow instead!

  • Meditation and Yoga are the best known relaxation techniques. Learn them from a trained professional or take guided courses to help you follow them correctly.
  • There’s nothing a good massage cannot fix. Treat yourself a visit to the spa and feel your worries slowly fade away.
  • Bath salts, essential oils and soft music are a heady combination that can melt any kind of stress.

Who wouldn’t want to keep the promise to take care of himself if these were the rewards?

Self-care shouldn’t be the promise you make for yourself in 2021 only, make it your resolution for life. How can we love and care for others and ignore ourselves, right? Appreciate and pamper yourself, give yourself the preferential treatment you deserve and most of all, don’t forget to love yourself, ever!

10 thoughts on “Self-care tips for a healthier and prettier you!

  1. Self-care is one of those things that is essential but we often don’t take enough time for or feel we don’t have the time for. This walnut and coconut scrub looks interesting. It has walnut shell powder… never knew that the shell can be used too. Will check it out. Thanks for sharing, Varsha!

  2. Taking care of oneself shld be our top priority. VLCC is a well known and trusted brand and I’ve used their recent new products and scrubs too and they really work well for the skin.

  3. Would love to try this walnut based scrub from VLCC, looks good. The other pointers too are super beneficial to achieve a better version of ourselves.

  4. the moment i read walnut and cocunut – i am in olfactory heaven 🙂
    you have shared some great tips here for self care! I find hobbies are a great way to take a break and focus on ourselves and this adds to our health and beauty (less frown lines 🙂 )

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