Feeling blue, Marriage, Me, The Folks, Whines and whispers

One eventful day

Sometimes it so happens that a regular unimportant day becomes painfully morose and irreparably damaged, for no explicit reason. Everything is the same, but there’s a certain gloom that absorbs everything into it. Yesterday was one such day for me. 🙁

Few things that happened in the past and few that are about to take place in future collectively contributed to somehow spoil my present. Call it a series of bad coincidences, that all of this happened on the same day.

  • One of A’s cousins is going to get married in a week’s time. He’s a practicing lawyer, has completed his masters and is also a visiting lecturer in a Law college. His family is quite well-off financially and is active on the social circuit. The girl on the other hand belongs to a small town and after completing 12th Std never intended to study further. Her family is very rich (relevant here) and has promised a handsome amount as dowry. A’s Uncle was overjoyed with this whole thing since that’s exactly what he wanted. According to him an educated girl is self-centred and cannot adjust anywhere. It’s shameful to recollect that this very person was instrumental in getting us married. Yesterday we received his wedding invite, hence the anger.
  • The IL’s impending visit on Friday comes with a lot of tense anticipation and decidedly severe repercussions. All’s not been well at this end since a long time, and a lot of water has flown under the bridge now. Their frail health, continuous grumbling and never-ending expectations have made matters worse. Something’s gone wrong somewhere else and I’m left to deal with the after-effects. I’ve been worked up with this whole idea.
  • My decision to add another professional degree to my resume took everyone in my family by surprise. While some were encouraging, some thought that I’d lost my mind. No one questioned my resolve though, good for them. Anyway, with so much happening so fast, I’m not getting enough time and energy to focus on my studies. I simply don’t feel like it. This is leading to a lot of frustration and anger.
  • I was obsessed with weight loss for last six months and succeeded in meeting my goals. It gave me a high and I managed to reduce almost 7 kgs all by myself. The New Year celebrations though managed to do what Diwali and Christmas couldn’t! I gained 1.5 kgs overnight and until my weighing scale touches the same old figure I’ll probably keep sulking.

So there. Finding myself in the middle of all this madness made me all miserable and snappy. The day’s gone now and I’d like to believe that so have the problems attached with it. There are some things that are in my control and the one’s that aren’t, well, they can get lost! The best way to deal with problems is to face them, not brood over them and play victim, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

For better times, bearable relatives and a good future, YAY! 🙂

6 thoughts on “One eventful day

    1. ollle baby!! Hugs!!!

      First two points? duh duh duh ! I mean seriously there is so much to talk about it but it’s better not to,at least here!

      Another degree? Aww..you never told me 🙁 any way but stick at it..don’t loose hope..you’ll have to make time and the person that you’re I know can and you will ! So just go for it 🙂 Best wishes!

      Weight loss? sigh! 7 kgs is a good number babes…and 1.5 is not that big…just stick to whatever you are doing *by the way TELL ME* and you’ll be back to loosing ….

      I’ve known since long Varsh and I know that you’re a determined kind of person…so don’t just give up like this… hang on,have hope and do it!


      1. I know…ghar ghar ki kahani types 🙂

        The shallow mindedness and double standards of these people are unbelievable yaar! Why can’t they be mature about something in life? Why do they expect girls and women to be at their feet? Having a point of view isn’t that bad, is it??
        Yupp..another degree…we haven’t spoken in a while dear…may be that’s why you don’t know yet…and thanks for your support…I hope I can complete what I took up 🙂
        I told you I was very determined this time round to reduce at any cost. I changed my whole lifestyle for it and it has worked. 5 more kgs to go, then I’ll be glad 🙂
        I’m trying to keep my mind calm. I don’t want all this negativity to affect me in any way.

  1. So much to sulk about and still you are upbeat the end. That;s my girl! Your recipe to deal with the problems is perfect. Just stick with it and thank your stars for having a loving mate who is not adding. A big hug to you and little A.

    1. Yeah…the mate is having problems of his own…its good if he’s not made to deal all of this along with me, isn’t it?

      Trust me Aunty…I never wanted to write about all this…but sometimes its easier to get over things by simply sharing them and I did just that. Only the sulking part is in my control and its better if I spare myself the ordeal na 🙂

      Little A still remembers you…every time he plays with the toys he’s sure to mention you gifted them! 🙂

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