I published my first blog post back in 2008 on Blogger. That’s fourteen years ago and makes me kind of a blogging veteran, doesn’t it? I’ve changed multiple platforms since then and seen blogging transform over the years. From a hobby and passion for writing earlier, blogging has now become a dependable source of income for a few. The way I approach blogging has changed too, with value-addition for my readers inspiring the content I create. One thing that has personally never changed though was and is the edit part after publishing. And trust me, I’ve tried.

Even when I was a child, grammatical errors of any kind made my stomach churn. I hardly made spelling mistakes and was extremely critical of my writing, still am. Mind you, this is not to imply that I have a great understanding of the language. I’m good at catching and correcting mistakes, sometimes too well for my good. It proves helpful while blogging but the sticky part is when the hurry to publish, meeting deadlines, or plain distraction makes me end up making multiple errors that I realise only later. Then comes the edit part, often more than once.
I edit my fiction posts the most since there’s always a better way to portray an emotion or crisply use idioms and figures of speech. Some of my stories have as many as fifteen revisions post-publishing. Is this even normal? I’ve edited a book and been part of an anthology but haven’t published an independent one yet. Does that mean I’m not as good a writer as I thought I was, or maybe I’m better at edit? Anyway, my stories and my rules, right? Wonder how I would be when my book comes out. Hope the editor and I survive each other. What say?
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024
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Grammatical issues make my stomach churn too. But after becoming a mom to two kids, I mostly write from my phone, and hence I tend to make mistakes. Now I don’t bother too much 😀