Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Fiction, Story-telling, Writing Prompts

The Flight #BlogchatterHalfMarathon

Do you remember your first flight experience? I’m sure you do. Whilst air travel has become a reasonable, preferred option now, earlier it was considered an unnecessary, expensive luxury. Our parents’ generation would rather enjoy an eventful, fun train journey where one can move freely, over cramped, restricted seats in a flight, won’t they? There… Read More The Flight #BlogchatterHalfMarathon

Blogging, Blogging Challenge, Fiction, Story-telling, Writing Prompts

The Swing #BlogchatterHalfMarathon

Childhood memories are the best, aren’t they? There’s fun in remembering the little things that made us happy; paper boats, a Melody chocolate, summer vacations, or the swing in the park. As we grow up these moments often bring a smile to our faces. Every child’s childhood isn’t as happy or blessed though, especially if… Read More The Swing #BlogchatterHalfMarathon