‘Love Respect Companionship’ is an unconventional love story that makes you see relationships in a different light. I had written this piece of fiction some time back and would like your feedback on it. This post is the second in a series of four posts.
Read the first part of the series here.
She straightaway went home and didn’t step out or take any calls the rest of the day. The next day after confirming that they would get some alone time, Ved showed up at her place. She opened the door but refused to look him in the eye. He pointed towards the couch and made her sit with him, silently taking her hand in his and assuring her that all was well between them.
“Please look at me, Anu.” Ved said. “I can understand how you feel, but hello, it’s me! You don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Honestly, I had been thinking about the same thing for quite some time. You haven’t said it yet, but I will. I love you, Anu. You are very special for me.”
Anya looked up, tears building in her eyes. “Is this for real?” She thought. She wanted to confess her love for him too but the catch in her throat wasn’t about to subside. Ved took her face in his hands, wiped off her tears with his thumbs, looked her deep in the eyes and kissed her lovingly on her forehead. From so close she could feel his warm breath on her face and got a whiff of the perfume she had gifted him on his birthday.
The rising passion inside her soon began to make her longingly crave the feel of his lips on hers, again, full and deliberate. As if on cue, Ved unhurriedly covered the distance between her forehead and lips, tenderly pecking her on her eyes, her cheeks and her nose on the way. Once there, his lips traced her trembling lips with the skill of an amateur at best. She was ready for him but he tried and fumbled over and over again until he gave up, leaving her shocked and speechless. He retreated but held on to her hand.
“Anu, please don’t take me wrong. I didn’t lie when I said I loved you. I really do. All this coming close thing though, is overwhelming for me.” Ved said. He covered his face with his other hand dejectedly.
“That’s ok, Veddy. It happens.” Anya assured him. “This is the first time for both of us. We have to take it easy, I guess, till the time we are both on the same page. I’m in no way judging you ok, please don’t even think of that. Besides, I don’t have anyone to compare you to, so you are safe.” She joked.
“Anu, that isn’t what I meant. I don’t know how to put this. This is both uncomfortable and baffling for me, but apart from you I don’t think anyone else will understand.” As Anya looked on with a befuddled expression on her face, Ved said haltingly, “Anu, I…I…I think I’m…I’m..gay.”
The mess that followed Ved’s confession was blurred in her memory perhaps because Anya was responsible for most of it. There was a good deal of yelling, crying and name calling while the feeble attempts of a hurt friend to tender a heart-felt apology got lost in all the cacophony. She chose to keep mum in the matter though. On Ved’s fraught request she decided not to share his orientation with anyone.
Ved tried his best to mend fences with Anya but she wasn’t ready to accept his reality. Not yet. Their equation changed for worse in the coming days. Both of them refused to acknowledge each other and their friends were forced to take sides. The once inseparable pair could now not be seen in the same room without the odds of a misplaced eruption looming large over everyone present there.
The opportunity to put an end to this despair between them came to Anya in the form of an admission to an English literature course in another city. Without batting an eyelid, she decided to move out of the home and city she was born and brought up in to embrace a world where her feelings wouldn’t get crushed under the hopes of a relationship that could never take shape.
Ved, on the other hand, stayed back and decided to pursue the one secret passion he had been harbouring for quite some time; photography. He attended courses to study the basics and learned to blend them with his unique vision. He interned with the best names in the business and was soon to become a coveted name in the field of photography.
To be continued..
Hi Varsh,
Wow!! Beautifully written. You could very well become a professional Bollywood writer now. I loved reading it.
Thanks for sharing, have a good day.
The plot thickens! Looking forward to reading your next supplement in this intriguing and simple series!
Such an engaging read this was! I loved the writing, especially since I’m a big time fiction short story fan. Keep writing and sharing 🙂
I was writing on how the intimacy and kissing injected in the narration quite differently but wasn’t seeing this part with Ved coming. An amazing build up. You should make a novella out of it and can’t wait to read more.
Whoa! Now that twist by Ved, wasn’t something I expected at all! I can empathize with Anya, that discovery must have been a shocker!
I am loving this series completely. You can definitely work for a romantic movies script writing.
This is a brilliant piece. I was expecting it to be a lovey dovey scene, but it turned out to be different. Love your writing. waiting for next installment
I have already read the part 1 of this series and now the part 2 is much more exciting.. Love the way you portrait your thought.. Really amazing.
I read the first part and said that it could very well be a TV serial. Second part is equally amazing. Keep
It up !
Very nicely written VARSH. It was so amazing to read. I just love the way you have expressed each and every scene. Thank you for sharing such amazing post.
Now that was quite a twist in this tale, didn’t assume that he was a gay and the feelings would have got broken. Looking forward for the next part.
WOw I just love the wonderful way of sharing this series…simply making to stay and read more about it!!
I read the first part and was expecting it to be a cute but regular love story… But this is intense… Love the development of the plot… Waiting for the next part!
I loved reading this post. I Was hooked and read both the post part 1 and 2 . I liked it to the core.
That is an intriguing write up indeed. The building up passion between the two characters was so intense and the sudden confession of Ved was quite a shocker. Beautifully written.
That’s a beautiful and engaging read. I love your writing. Keep writing we love to read such short fiction post.
Just love the way you write such beautiful thoughts, I am always so engaged with your content, loved reading this blog, I am damn interested to read part 3 also if it’s in process.
oh my! how heart wrecking for both of them!
interesting story – i wonder where you are going with this! I do hope that they will both find happiness in the future ?
I already go through the part 1 so i am excited for 2nd part … Love to read your thought.. Waiting your next writing..
This is amazing piece of fiction tale Varsha, I have missed reading the first part, now will dig your blog and start over again.
hahaaaaaaaaaaa varsh… where is the next part