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2020 in a nutshell: A Year of thrills, gambles and revelations!

Call me weird but stepping into a new year has never excited me. I’m not a resolution maker and don’t believe that a change of calendar has anything to do with turning a new leaf in our life. However, I’ve been fascinated with choosing a Word of the Year for direction last couple of years and did so with considerable thought. Little did I know that my word ‘Focus’ for last year would test me and my commitment in many trying ways. 2020 in a nutshell has been extremely challenging for everyone, hasn’t it?

No one in their wildest dreams could’ve imagined the way this year has panned out. Everyone from celebrities to daily wagers and politicians to frontline warriors have been stressed and stretched to their limits, internationally. Our lives have seen more ups and downs than a sine curve high on Red Bull! We’ve all struggled, faltered, broken down but dealt with every adversity on our own. Isn’t it something to be proud of? How about a 2020 in a nutshell word prompt? No? Just kidding! 🙂

Personally, 2020 has been a rewarding experience. No, really. I’ve met my health goals, ran marathons, cooked up a storm, worked with some wonderful people and chucked out all negativity from my life, well almost. Isn’t it fitting that I wrap it up in style too? Prose would probably not do justice to my feelings hence attempting to write a poem after ages!

2020 in a nutshell_ A Year of thrills, gambles and revelations_avibrantpalette


2020, oh what a year you’ve been,

Destructive, deceptive, like none we had seen.

You inspired balance, a semblance of trust,

When in fact you were the pizza with a burnt crust.


You’ve earned the title ‘the year of protests’,

Where every probable thing managed to spark unrest.

You unmasked many with many more to go,

Pray, you kept us on edge and shook us down to the core.


Please explain to us your hunger for lives,

Hasn’t the pandemic filled your bloody coffers, alright?

Rishi, Irfan, Saroj, S.P, Sushant and so many more,

What production were you planning with people we adore?


We were locked indoors and nature went on vacation,

Zoom held us down while birds merrily flew across nations.

We broke our backs doing a zillion things everyday,

For a lesson to teach us was this the only way?


Let me not suggest though that just grudge I can do,

For you’ve opened our eyes to things we’re often blind to.

Living in and making a home as against coming back to one,

Will we go back to life of before and not miss all this fun?


How amazing was reviving hobbies from days of yore,

We painted, we danced and kicked our worries out the door.

Every home smelled divine with a Master Chef at work,

While the family elves did their magic and shined the turf.


We’re limping back to life, our masks and spirits in place,

Accepting our tiny existence and bowing down with grace.

We’ve seen enough pain and lost more than we can count,

Healing will take its time but for now survival is paramount.


2020 in a nutshell has been exhausting for everyone,

From vehicles that won’t start to ATMs that catered to none.

Who knew some day we would queue for a carton of milk,

Health, love and hunger after all cannot be satiated by bilk.

I wonder how many of us will be able to look forward to 2021 with positivity, yet hope and faith make us believe. What would life be without the dream of a better tomorrow, right? I hope these lines resonated with you. Do share your 2020 in a nutshell thoughts with me.

This blog post is part of SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika and Ruchi.

© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

27 thoughts on “2020 in a nutshell: A Year of thrills, gambles and revelations!

  1. Yes this year has taught us many valuable life lessons. And I m glad that you had achieve many good things which you had planned. Poem is so lovely. Perfectly you had expressed your emotions.

  2. My word of the year for 2020 was ‘Nurture’ and I did not know that this year will give me the opportunity to nurture my dreams, aspirations and hopes. Your poetry certainly resonated with me. I also do not make resolutions but 2020 indeed has taught us a lot so my resolution for 2021 is going to be about living in the moment and present.

  3. My one word for 2020 is “Eventful”.It has been a wonderful year for me. Alike you, I also do not make resolutions. I promise myself to finish each and every task that I start. I have achieved a lot in 2020 and I would like my coming years to be just the same. Pandemic hadn’t stopped me from moving towards my goal. I am happy that I was able to finish whatever tasks I started in 2020.

  4. Such a lovely poem Varsha, I felt like you have written everything that my heart felt throughout this year. Your words resonate my thoughts. Thank you for participating in #SpeakEasy blogging challenge.

  5. You have encapsulated 2020 so beautifully in verse, Varsha. Your hard work and consistency towards your fitness journey is always awes inspiring. I love the analogy of the Pizza with the burnt crust, simply brilliant!

  6. I I agree with you, Varsh. This year has created a history in our lifetime. We saw so much extremes, destruction where people becoming homeless and jobless and many losing their loved ones to the days we fought back situations and came bback strong.

  7. Beautifully penned poem! I am not a resolution maker cos I never stick to it. But, I agree with the fact that we need to start living in the present and appreciate every tiny thing we have! We never know what is gonna happen next!

  8. 2020 has been a challenging year and yet a year where we would feel gratitude for all the we had to survive the pandemic. You have penned everything in this poem very beautifully. ..

  9. This is such a thought provoking post. I too don’t believe in making resolutions. The only promise I make myself every year is to be grateful for all the things that will come my way in the New year. Love your poetry and choice of words.

  10. Personally, for me this year had been most positive compared to the last 16 years.Loved the way your poem changed from remorse to positivity…these words “Accepting our tiny existence and bowing down with grace,,”. Is what we need to follow 🙏

  11. what a wonderful poem! you have played with words to express the conundrum of 2020 beautifully!
    indeed, i hope we take forward the lessons and the opportunity to live a more grounded life into the new year.

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