A Junior, Just rambling, Love, Marriage, Sharing views, Valentine's Day

Pictures speaks a lot

We were out shopping at a mall on Valentine’s Day and I was dressed in my stylish best in a lacy red top that I had saved for some special occasion. I had paid close attention to accessories (which is rare for a reluctant fashionista like me) and was deeply pleased with the end results in totality.

Paradoxically, my unbeatable recipient for the ‘Most boring person’ alive husband, who had promised to play along and save his conformist thoughts for later, was giving me his I-don’t-believe-in-Valentine’s-Day gyaan and scoffing at my obsession to take pictures wherever I wanted.

A: *fed up* Come on Varsh, how many pictures do you want to take?

Me: *requesting* Please, just a few more. You promised you won’t refuse.

A: *cajoling* Yes, but it is weird. We aren’t teenagers anymore. It feels awkward when people turn around and look at us.

Me: *slightly edgy* So what? Do you care about those people or me? Nobody knows you here. Let me have something for keepsake na!

A: *hands up* Ok ok, but make it quick please.

My darling baby A Jr was more forthcoming and patiently clicked pictures whenever I asked him. He even gave smart inputs and suggested using filters where the lighting wasn’t right. Impressive, huh? When I was a child I never had such flair for creativity.

Anyway, there was a wall in front of a restaurant which could provide a lovely background. How could I miss that shot right? Nowhere was it mentioned that photography wasn’t allowed there and I pulled A there for the ‘last’ picture of the day.

Alas! A lady from the restaurant came out to voice the unsaid disclaimer just when we were posed for what I can call as one of our best ever picture till date (It still is the wallpaper on my phone). Our faces were literally glowing with the smiles on our faces. 🙂 🙂

While I was chilled out and apologised to the lady, A was suddenly furious and very upset with me for ‘refusing to behave like a mother of two’. Not about to let this ruin our day, I somehow sweet-talked him to excuse my mistake for just that one time.

I admit I love clicking, and getting clicked sometimes. How else can we remind us and our kids the lovely time we spent together after a few years? Pictures allow us to live the wonderful moments of our life over and over again. Don’t they? 🙂

Technically, we didn’t break any rules intentionally that day. Was I being blatantly ignorant about it or was A being regressively vigilant? Whenever I see that picture today I fondly see our smiles, and sometimes laugh at the melodrama that followed. Big deal! What’s life without such silly thrills? 😀

41 thoughts on “Pictures speaks a lot

      1. similar situation at my end too (with me playing the role of A… and P playing your photo photo clicking self)…and my Jrs tagging along, passing wise comments!
        any further comments detrimental to health(mine)

        1. ???????????????????? I wish I could say I sympathise with you, but I really can’t ???? Your good health is in giving in. Keep doing it for your own sake. Few years down the line you’ll be thankful for obliging. ????

          1. Ah! Finally we agree on something. ???? Yes, and it goes both ways. It is nice to do something to make someone happy, especially when you know it is out of love.

          2. Shakespeare – “when my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her…though I know she lies”
            modified version from one guy called hari ” when my love asks me to do something she feels is good for me, I just do it, for I know she loves me”

          3. I was wondering too…no posts…no stories from your side…almost as soon as I followed you. Did you block me or something. 😛
            Break them in parts na…start one…see the reaction…and then develop it…? You know better though ????

    1. Haha! I wasn’t so click-crazy before. The madness hit me after my son was born, and only grew after that. With my girl now, it is on an all-time high! ????
      Wow…how old are your girls?

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