Holidays, Just rambling, Me, New Year

All smiles :-)

I’ve fallen in love. With myself, my home, my family, my life..just everything! For someone who’s been missing in action for quite a while, I know I’m sounding rather upbeat. But isn’t it true that one should share one’s happiness with everyone?

This year’s coming to an end and there’s a lot to be thankful for this time round. It has been an eventful year, and am I glad for it! God gave me unexpected gifts, at unexpected times, in an unexpected way. He’s been more than kind to me, and I’m thankful for every smile he put on my face.

It is the little moments in life that make up for priceless memories for later, and it is my good fortune that I got plenty of them. Some people make it all worth it, just by being there. Isn’t it? 🙂

I wish this feeling of contentment and sheer bliss never leaves me. I’m very happy in the space I’m in right now, even though it means that I’m lost in my own sweet world most of the time. I’m never away for people who love me and care enough for me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! 🙂

4 thoughts on “All smiles :-)

    1. Hi Swati.. My blog is my personal space where I’m talking to myself aloud. It is what I am and what I feel. Glad you liked it. Feel free to go through stuff that interests you. Hope to see more of you!
      Welcome here. 🙂

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