General, Just rambling, New Year, People

Since a year has gone..

Another year has gone. A very eventful year indeed. We bade our farewell to many people and welcomed many into this world. We made Anna the superhero of today and sang Kolaveri Di for no specific reason. Two young boys lost their lives while protecting their girl friends. People were getting ready to play censors for internet users. Salman’s Bodyguard did what Shahrukh’s Raone and Don 2 couldn’t. etc

Come December and people seem to forget all the unhappy incidents that took place not so long ago. There’s a mood of celebration everywhere, with people needing only the slightest reason to paint the town red. For me though, this day isn’t any different.

Getting A to celebrate any days with grandeur has never been easy for me. A fusion of lazy and boring, he simply refuses to buy that these days do hold even a slight significance. No matter how much I badger him, he simply wont find time to get involved in any planning, and by the time he does (pretend to) agree, its too late to get the relevant bookings. 🙁

Although I find this attitude quite annoying, I have to agree it does make sense at times. Every year there’s news of people being robbed, nabbed and misbehaved with during and after New Year parties. Alcohol combined with reckless behaviour and driving make road safety very difficult. Everyone is out there to have fun, responsibility and accountability is not heeded.

Intimate instead is the safe haven of our home, where we don’t need to mind A Jr all the time, don’t have to worry about when we’ll reach home and don’t have to battle all the crowd. Bringing in the new year with some mild beverages 😛 , some ordered in food while watching some good old movie on dvd sounds a lot more appealing. 🙂

I’ve been doing this for the last many years (since my Dad always shared A’s sentiments) and this year won’t be any different. The only difference being that I’m grown up now 🙂 We’ll manage to hide our glasses from A Jr and manage to sip in when he’s not looking 😛 , try to put him to sleep when we know he won’t sleep and make our vanity evident when people will burst crackers at the strike of 12! 😀 😀

I’m sure lots of people out there are not as uninteresting and laid back as us and have better things to do 😀 Hope you all have a great time with your loved ones. Have fun and be safe! 🙂

Wish you all a very Happy New Year! 🙂

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