Blogging, Blogtrain, Fiction, Mothers, Such is life, Suffering, Writing, Writing Prompts

Anna and the umbrella #WoWe

Anna took Kevin’s hands in hers, painfully aware of the contrast between his battered with her perfectly manicured ones. He opened his eyes with extreme effort and whispered a barely audible “Mom…” before closing them forever. Anna sat stunned and motionless, tears streaming down her reddened eyes. He was supposed to be home for his… Read More Anna and the umbrella #WoWe

Fiction, Relationships

The Blue Roof #WoWe

Nilesh cuddled with his grandfather and looked out the tiny window of the attic. His recent fixation, the mountain peak, looked distant from their blue roofed home. He listened with rapt attention as the septuagenarian shared anecdotes of hitchhiking there as a kid on his father’s shoulders. The pride of the countless trips that followed… Read More The Blue Roof #WoWe