Finding a secluded corner in the buzzing restaurant at lunchtime was a nightmare. Meera’s irresistible charm did the trick though. As she quietly settled with her paraphernalia at the ocean view table, her mind was already at work.
‘This must be quick’, she reflected, as she longingly ran her fingers over the treasured embroidered package. Vikram’s pool game wouldn’t be over soon. He wouldn’t come here for her!
The waiter appeared, laid the drink on the table and left quietly. Meera was glued to the I-pad she had managed to hide from Vikram, absently wondering who ordered it.
‘I don’t need Social media detox. Vikram and his shrink were overreacting.’ she muttered under her breath as Facebook and Instagram passionately called her out.
The silence, setting sun and empty glass in front of her suddenly brought her out of her reverie. How long was it? Had Vikram been there? Was he right?
Read my posts for other #FridayFotoFiction prompts here.
How to participate in #FridayFotoFiction
Follow @Mayuri6 and @twinklingtina, the hosts for #FridayFotofiction, on Twitter.
Every Thursday evening Tina and Mayuri will share a Photo Prompt with you on Twitter and on their respective blogs.
Write a 100-150 Word story based on or relevant to the given Photo Prompt.Use the #FridayFotoFiction badge at the end of your posts
Link up with Mayuri or Tina. Read, comment, share on the host and co-hosts posts and at least two more posts linked in the party Pro Tip – Networking and commenting is good for your blog’s health and ranks.
Use #FridayFotoFiction in your post and share on social media using the same hashtag.
Every week Tina and Mayuri will pick one featured blogger whose post impressed them the most.
Every month one winner will picked from the participants. This winner will be picked on the basis of regular participation through the month and will win a cash voucher from Amazon.
My husband would so agree with this!
As would many other partners!
Good take on the prompt, Varsha.
Thank you for writing for #FridayFotoFiction
This was the first thought that came to my mind, M. It was your vacation pic too, right? 😉
Loved writing for it.
Social media can indeed be toxic, I hope she realises the danger soon
What good is a vacation if we carry our office and our vices there! I do hope the same.
Thanks for visiting, Akshata.
Ah! Varsha you said it I myself find it tough to leave aside the phone and keeping tabs on various social media sites is surely stressful. We have all become zombies stuck to social media.
Social media is good, but like you said the zombiness is a bit too much. Unless we draw a line it can stress us even on holidays.
Thanks for reading, Sudha.
Social media is making most of the people give up their active social life, live in virtual world and thus become recluse… sad and true!
Loved this take on prompt Varsh.
Ironic that social media leaves us with no social life, isn’t it? Too bad Meera couldn’t save herself from its grip even during a vacation.
This was such a pertinent take on the prompt. Everyone can relate to it. Great one!!
Thanks, Meha. We’re all guilty of it on some level. Warning bells for us?
ohh sometimes everyone needs a social media detox! Thanks for participating in #FridayFotoFiction.
She most definitely needs a Social Media detox. Imagine ignoring that view for Facebook and Instagram!
Thankfully, I am still away from it. But I see people around me checking every comment and every notification the momentvit comes, they just can’t stay away. Good take on the prompt.
I really feel I need a vacation and social media detox soon…You have really expressed it so beautifully. Will sure check this prompt!!
Aah! The story of so many of us! Have seen people who are glued to their phones and various social media platforms all the time… like all waking hours of every single day! A didgital detox does a world of good. A great story and good one for the prompt!
Loved the twist at the end! Unfortunately, it’s the truth with many people out there. Social media addiction is here to stay unless we do something about it.
For Christmas last year, I took a break from social media like I would take leave from office. It is really brain racking at times with all the exchange engagement that we need to do in order to get some visible engagement onto our posts.
Like reading this… FOMO is quite dangerous. We need to learn to detach, to spend some time with ourself without worrying about the world around us.
Good and sensible take on the photo prompt. This is a topic which needs to be touched upon more. I can so relate buddy
Varsha, you have expressed the character feelings very well in the story. I wished it continued for long.
Mayuri, lets start with this prompt again.
Great response on photo prompt and I agree social media detox is needed for everyone. nowadays we live our lives virtually, and forget the enjoying the real things that matter most in the life.
That’s very thoughtful and intriguing. Social media has negative impact on our lives especially our relationship. This story reveals the reality profoundly
Stories are the reflections of our day to day life. I guess, vacation is the opportunity to live the moment and detox ourselves. We should draw the line when to use and how to use social media.
Social Media Detox is very important. I am happy that I don’t have togo for a detox week to stay away from my phone. Good take the prompt.
I quite often need a social media detox. It is quite a paradox for me since I am in the same field. I enjoyed the photo fiction completely. and I long for a vacation very soon..
Loved reading your take. Social media has its own pros and cons. And the worst part is that it doesn’t allow people to even enjoy their vacations. Balance is the key.
Detox is so much required, even a social media detox, life gets too taxing with so many things tuning parallelly
I also feel the same . Sometimes we all need social media detox for some time . I like this idea.
Lovely take. Social media is addictive and taking a toll on our real relationships. You have explained this so subtly and meaningfully. Kudos!
I so miss doing the Friday Foto Fiction series. It was such a great exercise right. I have to start that again. Social media detox is what we need from time to time.
Social media detox is essential and I think I badly need one in near future. Good initiative by Tina and Mayuri regarding pic prompts.
This post reminds me of our old days of writing fiction together for these challenges. Yes I agree we all need certain detoxification in our life from old practices or people, bad habits are from stale thoughts. Vacation & detox is a great idea
That’s an interesting take on the photo prompt! I believe many people are now more aware of the toxicity of social media and are being more conscious of the time they spend online