Blogging, Books, Writing

Why #BlogchatterWritFest appeals to every reader

As an avid reader books and conversations around them always excite me. I routinely add titles to my TBR and happily scratch the read ones off the list. Thanks to Blogchatter and #BookChatter, I’ve discovered many new authors and genres in recent past as well. However, one can trust Blogchatter to ace their own game and let us enjoy its benefits. #BlogchatterWritFest has in its past seasons encouraged writing in online space and also enabled interactions between published authors and readers.

With #BlogchatterWritFest Season 6 tagline Connecting Readers with Authors, they’re bridging the gap between readers and authors further. A  great panel of authors are going to be part of a series of sessions to discuss the nuances of writing with the readers. There will also be exclusive sessions which will have in-depth discussions about it.


Need more reasons to register? Here are a few!

Listen to your favourite authors – The impressive line-up of authors across different genres for #BlogchatterWritFest ensures that at least one of your favourites is going to be featured in it. It’s surreal to listen to what drives them and what their process consists of. Surely, a fan moment!

Learn from the best! – From romance to thriller and mythological fiction to horror, every book offers a unique experience. Needless to say, the approach, research and writing style differ for each one of them too. You can get your questions about developing the right skills for them answered from the best in the writing community.

Book Giveaways – This is the most exciting part of the sessions. If interacting with your favourite authors wasn’t tempting enough, you stand a chance to win book giveaways too. All you have to do is share the #BlogchatterWritFest session details on your social media and ask questions during the sessions. Win-win for you!

Session details:

Mar 4Relatability in FictionMeghana Pant, Kiran Manral, Kanchana Banerjee
Mar 7Writing Engaging StoriesPreeti Shenoy
Mar 11Thrilling your ReaderK Hari Kumar, Chandrima Das, Neil D’Silva
Mar 21Getting Started with PoetrySampurna Chatterjee
Mar 25Writing Books that Children EnjoyVibha Batra, Akhyrunissa, Vidya Man

You can sign up for these sessions through forms that will be shared from time to time. Keep an eye out for announcements so you don’t miss out on registration!

I’m super stoked to share that I’m one of the volunteers for #BlogchatterWritFest this year. You can reach out to me on my social media handles or DM me for any doubts or concerns. I’ll be happy to extend every help and support so you can enjoy this experience. Let’s add more fun to our reading and writing time. See you there!

You can check out details about #BlogchatterWritFest here.

© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

8 thoughts on “Why #BlogchatterWritFest appeals to every reader

  1. Blogchatter is great community for bloggers and they always bring great campaign. indeed, blogchatter writer festival is one of them. many congrats for being a volunteer at event. I will check their FB page and will try to attend session, if it fits to my time zone schedule.

  2. Blogchatter has given a strong platform to all writers and bring them together under one roof.And Writfest is a wonderful opportunities to get in touch with some top class writers. Working as a volunteer and understanding the insights must have been a wonderful experience for you Varsha.

  3. Yes Varsha BlogchatterWritfest is an event which we all look forward to because of immense learning with lot of fun. Connecting readers with authors is such an amazing concept. I am really excited to be part of this.

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