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Blogging Market Trend #Guestpost by Virag Shah

Hi friends! The guestpost for this month is related to the one topic that every blogger needs to give a thought to. Bloggers are reviewers, content creators, facilitators and a lot more. Read on as Virag Shah shares with us understanding responsibilities that come with the blogging territory and keeping our brand identity authentic for our target audience.

Blogging Market Trend

It is very important to know about real meaning of Blogger in current market trend. The term blogger is actually part of Digital marketing however it’s being identified separately like Content marketing.

Bloggers are your problem solvers and advisors because they are consistently sharing & updating information which the audience is looking for. Below mentioned key highlights show how bloggers and their audience are integrated with each other:

Bloggers as Problem Solver & Adviser Audience/Internet User (B2B/B2C):

1. Too many customized blog categories are available across the world gathering customized information which they are looking for.
2. Providing current market trends/updates, infographics, competitive analysis, market research/survey & many more. They support in making accurate plans, communication strategies, consumer behavior, industrial movement & many more.
3. By providing product/brand reviews and overall feedback they help in making quick & informed decisions.

Bloggers Age Group: – 24 to 40 years (Male/Female) bloggers ratio is much higher.

Most Engaging Blog Categories on Social Media:

  • Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle
  • Travel
  • Food
  • Health, Fitness & Wellness
  • Digital, Social Media & Technology
  • Parenting
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Diet & Nutrition

For any blogger, content plays a vital role in building brand identity. Audience likes to believe a blogger who represents authentic content. In emerging bloggers trend an important question is rising about the level of content authenticity across social media market today. Wannabe professional bloggers enter into the market and hastily try to collaborate with various brands. It has been found many times that without a strong source of content audience does not trust any blogger.

Current blogger scenario is more about how the blogger portrays his/her content because to survive in competitive market only content is a blogger’s strength & identity. In-depth brand/product study before collaborating with any brand is essential for bloggers. Hence, content is the primary element or USP for any blogger whereas infographics, statistics figures, research, video presentation etc. are supportive elements which are influence the target audience.

Bloggers also have an extended portfolio on social media which is known as ‘Micro-blogging’. It is moving aggressively on social media market since two years where sharing short post in which includes mostly

1. Small paragraph content with image/pics

2. Content with small video presentation.

Micro-blogging works very effectively for brand awareness and endorsements because today most readers/users look for short post content with accurate message. Reading style and trend has changed. In addition to blogging reach, creating an effective Hashtag and using it during the promoting or sharing a post gives it a higher global reach.

To summarise, market trend is changing very rapidly hence emphasize on:

Blogging = Content Consistency level according to audience taste

Virag Shah has more than 10 years experience in various industries, especially pharma, healthcare, Ayurveda and OTC. He’s a Brand & Concept developer and loves to learn and observe customer experience & buying trends which can connect easily.

30 thoughts on “Blogging Market Trend #Guestpost by Virag Shah

  1. Hi Varsh,

    Good article by Virag. I believ the most important thing for a blogger to do id to connect with his/her audience. We have to provide some kind of solution to our audience to make them visit again for more. Blogging is a passion and we should write about things which excites us.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day. 🙂

    1. Hi Sajid,

      You’ve said it. We must write things that our audience will connect with but along with that we have to keep our passion alive by writing what we like. Personally, I try to keep a balance between the two and it is worth it.

      Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  2. Insightful post. Objectivity of approach by Virag is so visible that it makes for a fair judgement of the current scenario.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Anagha. Blogging has become a big thing and a profession in itself. Knowing what works and what does not will surely help bloggers to create the right content and associate with the right brands and people.

  3. The blogging scenario was very different when I first started blogging 12 years ago. People wrote because they genuinely wanted to write. Things are drastically different now with the segment flooding with new blogs everyday!

    1. Oh, I hear you Purva. I’ve spent a long time here myself and the commercial aspects of blogging seem to invite non-writers galore nowadays. Everyone has become a reviewer and advisor on everything under the sun. Genuine writers are few and precious.

  4. These are some valuable tips and info you shared about blogging here. I am sure bloggers or budding bloggers will get immense benefits . Micro blogging i do love it. thats works really well.

    1. Microblogging is indeed a part of blogging and can be used for one’s benefit, Jiya. The quickness and limitations of it though can get bloggers to move away from their niche.

    1. Thanks a lot, D. The points Virag spoke about inspired me to publish his words on my blog. The two things are separate yet connected and hence comes the responsibility to prove one’s authenticity.

  5. Good content is the primary requirement for a successful blol. A blog must provide information in its niche. It should cover every single detail. Great article .

  6. So so good read. This is such a insightful blog and would really help each of us reader to some great extent .thanks for sharing this.

  7. Totally agree? Blogging is no more just writing, it’s content marketing. With proper marketing blogs are invisible to the audience. That’s why now bloggers write what their audience wants to read rather than what they want to make them read.

  8. I am so glad that the author has included the utility of microblogging in blogging. Although a completely different platform we cannot deny its importance in blogging.

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