Down the memory lane, Mothers, That one time, Whines and whispers

Stranger than fiction #BarAThon #MondayMusings

“I’m sure your maid picked them up when you weren’t around!” my mother would grumble every time the topic of my missing diamond earrings came up.

I had accepted the expensive diamond set as a gift from my mother after a lot of prodding, and was deeply regretting losing them sloppily. As there was no proof of anyone’s involvement in their disappearance, there was precious little I could do. I had looked around everywhere. The earrings had simply vanished into thin air.

Few months ago, Mom left for heavenly abode. While she was being dressed up for her final journey, someone asked for a pair of earrings to put on her. Since I was the only one who knew where her stuff was kept, I hurried inside to fetch something.

There I found, nestled in a worn-out pouch kept in her dressing table drawer with some other stuff; my earrings. My eyes literally popped out at their sight. Already overwhelmed with Mom’s passing away, all I could do then was fall on the bed in a heap. All at once, in that one moment, I felt dizzy, sad, thankful and happy.

Just then Dad came in and I showed them to him. Our eyes met, and I said to him in between sobs, “These are my missing earrings. I’ve no idea how they got here. She never touched this stuff so she couldn’t know either, but she finally found them for me.”

Who could’ve guessed this? That’s probably why, truth is stranger than fiction.

This post has been written for Day 1 of the 7 day blogging challenge BAR-A-THON.

Today’s prompt is ‘Stranger than fiction’ 


Linking this post with #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne Rodrigues



8 thoughts on “Stranger than fiction #BarAThon #MondayMusings

    1. Err…this story isn’t fiction Rekha. It is my real story. My mother was quite unwell in her last days and she never looked in her stuff. Kept asking me to check. As it turns out, the earrings were safer with her.

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