She knew she was inflicting pain upon herself, but detaching herself from him wasn’t in her control either.
One line story #3
November 15, 2016
She knew she was inflicting pain upon herself, but detaching herself from him wasn’t in her control either.
yeah thts true ,soometimes yo know what you should do still you are unable to do so
Wish knowing and doing could be more easily combined.☺
Thanks for your comment!
Yeah 🙂
Sigh! 🙁 Choosing the lesser pain was so difficult, right? 🙁
Yes. Both ways the pain will remain anyway… 🙁
hmmmm…poor her! but time is a great healer!
Time is a great healer indeed!
Good morning Hari. 30 min walk today. Puma is happy. ????
aah…cheers to my virtual friend! puma happy, but what about the little toe??
Haha! Little toe has changed from blue yesterday to slightly normal. Thankfully. Was scared of the admonishing it seems. ????????????
hahaha… treadmill? or real?
Want to ditch all equipment for now. So, real. In the fresh morning air. ????
aah..nice! i somehow hate morning workouts/walks. prefer evenings. but agree, morning is better!
mood better now??
Mornings actually work for me. Kids are still asleep, so no rush. When I have to do yoga, skipping or floor exercises I involve them. ????
Mood is better. How did you make that out?
hahaha..telepathy(be careful)
The Senior A Jr is just about eight, right?
So much telepathy! I’m actually glad. I thought no satellite was equipped to handle my signals. ????????
Ya he is 8. Younger one turned 2 today. ????
same pinch, hard (me too very glad, senora)
oh…ey, wish the Junior A Jr, lots of love & happiness! cheers. party planned ??
With such a strong telepathy I wonder how much excess info you must be receiving. ????
I will wish her. Thanks! Planning to do a post for it but words seem to be unjustified. We had a party with my in-laws…complete with a cake kids and balloons… few days ago. Today it is just us. Dinner will be planned keeping her choices in mind. ????
dont you worry varsha. shall filter the excess info! i am anyway such a decent soul(hahaha)
oh…cheers…(for the dinner/party on the anvil)
does puma run too?
You are seriously fun(oxymoron?)! ????
Puma runs too…but will take it slow. Let the lazy bones and stiff muscles get used to daily walking as of now. Then will alternate between the two.
serious fun is like painful pleasure!
have just earmarked a LOC on the telepathic path.
tell puma to take it cool!!
Why the LOC? For me??? ????
just like that! hahaha. telepathic pathway alle??
(btw, my guys just asked me what was funny, when they saw me smile – i am holding a meeting now)me just about to post a quote after this meeting
Hahaha…what did you tell them? I’m stuck right now. Can’t write. Will write in the afternoon now. Post and ping me plz. Will you?
kept a serious face & told them to concentrate on the discussions!
aye aye ma’am (post & ping)
hello…tt over.. your lunch?
the soft side of of a fiery lady
Yes. Possibly the fieriness is to guard the soft side….!