Me: (excitedly) Did you see the dress I finally bought?
A: (not interested) Yes.
Me: (expectantly) So, what do you think? It’s nice na?
A: (still not interested) Yes.
Me: (slightly dreamy) Oh I loved the colour. I’ve never worn this colour.
A: (unfazed) Hmm.
Me: (bit edgy now) What happened? Is it not good? Does it not suit me? Just tell me.
A: (without any expression) Yes it is good. It suits you. But why do you have to buy stuff like this?
Me: (frowning) What do you mean? Why didn’t you say anything when I selected it? Do you want me to return it?
A: (smiling gloriously) There there. Now this is your natural face. When you behave all good and sweet I feel like you’re not well.
Me: (very confused and irritated by now) Huh????
Oops. 😛 Now that was a great technique to get you back to your natural self. 😀 Really funny post!
I’m very impatient and temperamental yaar. I was happy so thought it would be nice to be nice. Didn’t work.
😀 😀