Thinking of you
Dreams come alive
Divine blessing
You fill in the spaces
My heart’s missing piece
This was my first attempt at the Tanka poetry form. Thanks for the inspiration Radhi. <3
Tanka is a form of poetry that originated in Japan more than 13 centuries ago. In their purest form, Tanka poems are most commonly written as expressions of love, self-reflection and gratitude. It contains five lines and 31 syllables in the form of 5-7-5-7-7.
Beautifully penned Varsha. Just make sure the syllables need to follow pattern of 5-7-5-7-7. ????????
Thanks Radhi. Did I make a mistake here? I might. Please let me know if any.
Thinking is 2, of is 1 and you is 1 that is a total of 4 syllables.
Dreams 1, come 1 and alive 2 again 4 syllables. That way it does not adhere to the tanka format…..but a beautiful composition all the same !!
Ok, got it! Will write one again. Hopefully without mistakes. Thanks Radhi! ????
That is too good for the first attempt… 🙂
Thanks for your encouragement Prakash! ☺
beautifully written!! cheers to hearts and dreams
Thanks Hari. Hearts and dreams are what keep us alive. Don’t they? ????
very much so!!
Awwww and the heart is full when all the missing pieces get filled…????????????
Thanks Bikram! The missing pieces of our heart are always somewhere close, if we take a moment out to find them. 🙂