Feelings, Poetic thoughts, Such is life, Writing Prompts

The Last Minute


The still room gleamed with brightness

Sending a chill down my spine

God couldn’t mock me with it though

For the darkness in me was pristine

All I prayed for was some time, to do

The things I regrettably left unfinished

Some confessions, mending some fences

Could’ve left my loved ones untarnished

36 thoughts on “The Last Minute

    1. Something similar happened to a friend of mine. She was in fact prepared for her death too, but her will power helped her sail through. It makes us value life more, doesn’t it?

      1. From the previous day, I had this feeling that this is my end. Our cat was also acting very weird towards me. I was actually thinking about it this noon, and I was like how the hell did I survive! Looking back now I feel I have been really brave. Sometimes experiencing such things make us realise who we really are. ????

        1. There was a lot you still had to let out in this world. You hadn’t met me too! ????????
          Jokes apart, such things bring out the best in us and most of the time we are surprised at what we are capable of. You fought and won! That itself is an achievement! ????????????

          1. It’s a very weird feeling Varsha. You know you are going to die but you can do nothing about it.
            Haha yes. If I hadn’t survived, this blog would have never existed and you would have never metsuch a beautiful,pretty, witty, intelligent, talented person … Too much of self-praising ????????????????????

          2. I saw my mother meet a slow death Rekha. Towards the end all she said was take me away I can’t stand this. It broke my heart to see her that way, especially because she was this completely extrovert fun-loving person…
            Self-praise we must all do. If others won’t, why shouldn’t we right? It takes a genius to recognise another, so yes, muaaaahs to a strong-willed, beautiful, pretty, witty, intelligent and talented person. ????????????????

          3. Most of us are scared of death. We never know what happens once we stop breathing forever. After that experience, I am like I know how death feels like, and I am ready when it comes to me. The pain it causes moments before it takes us away is unexplainable. It’s not physical pain, something from inside keeps saying “this is it. Last time you are seeing them. Last time you are going to eat or drink”. Just imagine your mind saying that to you. Creepy!!
            Others also praise me I guess. I dunno. ???????????? If someone praises me, I give them a blank face look. I really don’t know how to react. ????????????????

          4. ???????????????????? Why am I not surprised with this answer??? ????????????????
            I can’t say it is a good thing that you’re prepared for death, but it feels rather scary in case of people who were happy and alive one moment and become a lump of flesh and blood the next. Mom went in her sleep. Did she know or think she would never get up? What was in her mind that time? You know, the last thing she was my daughter’s video and it made me a little jealous.
            I can’t help imagining what was wrong with you now.

          5. Yes. But I think people who are spiritual (doesn’t mean praying to God everyday), those who really understand their purpose of life, they are always prepared. It is something that I have learnt. No matter what happens, until your purpose is served, you won’t die. Until you fulfil that desire you came here for, you won’t die. I knew I dint have an early death, that is why I survived. They say two days before our death, our soul prepares the mind. Some get scared because they don’t want to die. Some accept it. Death is just physical separation. Soul never dies, only body does.
            Sorry for sounding saintly. ????????

          6. No no, this was very deep. Your knowledge is from experience, so I will go with you. Most of us don’t know our purpose on earth. We exist and then we cease to exist. Its just a physical shift.
            I don’t know if this comes close to it, but it happened with me once. I was about to meet with a fatal accident and was saved by a whisker. During the same time I read The Five People We Meet In Heaven and that experience became precious for me.

          7. Not just this experience,i have been different since my childhood. Though my parents never understand spirituality, I really don’t know how I knew about souls and all that from a very young age. So I decided to do a bit of research and understand why do I understand these things. We exist, we cease to exist. Then the cycle continues. Until that desire is fulfilled, we will take a lot many births.

          8. I read a lot on such stuff too, but I guess my inclination isn’t as intense as yours. I used to ask Mom weird questions and she was stumped to even react to them. What you’re saying is true…every life has a purpose…no matter how big or small it is. We all have a desire that must be fulfilled.

          9. My mum is just the opposite. I tell her things like these and she replies -I don’t understand so don’t tell me.
            We all have a purpose isn’t it. We dint take birth to eat, drink, shit pee and die. Utter waste of food and drinks for sure if that was the case. And pollution too ????????????

          10. Haha…good for both of you then. My human better half here is sulking now. Says I’m on my phone a lot.???????? Haha. Got to go. Talk to you later dear. Good night! ????

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