Blogging, Nature, Navi Mumbai, Sharing views, Writing Prompts

Nature photography, my forever love!

“You wasted perfectly good film on clouds and trees again, didn’t you?” bellowed Dad as we consumed yet another 36-photo roll on our long North India trip. Often considered the responsible one, I lost my camera-carrying privileges in a jiffy that day. It wasn’t my fault though. Nature photography sadly wasn’t a thing back then.… Read More Nature photography, my forever love!

Collaborations, Health, Sharing views

How Grape Seed Extract in Perfectil helps reduce pigmentation and evens your skin tone

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘aging like fine wine’ and secretly wished you were a poster boy/girl for it? Vanity isn’t a bad thing. Whatever you do to make yourself look and feel good is right. Little surprise then that the market is flooded with hordes of beauty and skincare products that… Read More How Grape Seed Extract in Perfectil helps reduce pigmentation and evens your skin tone