Blogging, Blogtrain, Fiction, Mothers, Such is life, Suffering, Writing, Writing Prompts

Anna and the umbrella #WoWe

Anna took Kevin’s hands in hers, painfully aware of the contrast between his battered with her perfectly manicured ones. He opened his eyes with extreme effort and whispered a barely audible “Mom…” before closing them forever. Anna sat stunned and motionless, tears streaming down her reddened eyes. He was supposed to be home for his… Read More Anna and the umbrella #WoWe

Fiction, General, Motivation, Story-telling, Such is life, Writing, Writing Prompts

Famous and remembered #WriteBravely

Prabhu looked down the legendary winding staircase. He remembered being in complete awe of it when he visited this place for the first time. Commoners back then, some now famous names walked down this same flight of stairs everyday, just like him. While they treaded towards a promising future, his journey comprised of running errands for… Read More Famous and remembered #WriteBravely

Blogging, Fiction, General, Story-telling, Writing, Writing Prompts

Things we see on the streets #WriteBravely

  “Kisiki muskurahaton pe ho nisaar…” sang Grandpa merrily as he wiped the filthy streets with his long rough broom. Little Bittu tagged behind him, bored and puzzled. He twitched his nose at the horrendous stench while the emanating dust made him cough. Grandpa neither noticed nor bothered. “You promised this would be fun!” cried… Read More Things we see on the streets #WriteBravely

Blogging, Fiction, Funny life, General, Humour, India, Just rambling, Kids, Writing Prompts

The Revenge #FridayFotoFiction

Camouflage face paint, hearts beating furiously and a resolve of acting out their sinister plan, they crouched behind the grill near the door. Revenge is a dish best served cold. She wouldn’t know what hit her! Inside, the lady regaled her bored maid about the ‘thieves’ she reported to the cops. Her alertness had helped… Read More The Revenge #FridayFotoFiction