India, Kids, Mothers, Motivation, Parenting, Relationships, Women

My permanent profession ~ Motherhood #MondayMommyMoments

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We like it when things are laid threadbare to us, are simple to understand and most of all, don’t challenge the thoughts and beliefs we’ve grown up with. Introducing even a slight twist in this arrangement can sometimes rattle us.

Since forever we’ve been fed the notion that mothers have to be sacrificial lambs by choice, are expected to cater to every wish and whim of their family smilingly and miniscule things like a career cannot come in the way of it. Living in the twenty first century and being the fairer and stronger sex, are we really going to let people make us believe in it anymore?

Manushi’s brilliant answer in the Miss World 2017 beauty pageant opened a can of worms. Equating motherhood with a profession wasn’t something many of us had spared a thought to before. How can a mother ask for a salary for the things she does for her family? Wasn’t it her choice to become a mother in the first place? How does one put a price on the time, energy and emotions she spends on them day in and day out?

Like a job’s KRA (key requirement areas), motherhood doesn’t come with any disclaimers and set rules or expectations. Even with the incessant advice pouring in from everywhere, the numerous books you’ve tried to mug up or the many classes you’ve attended in its preparation, you can never be sure of what lies ahead. You can flunk in an exam and reappear or leave a job that doesn’t suit you, but can you go back to not being a mother or retry?

Being an overqualified stay at home mom, I’ve faced enough prejudice from people for my lack of ambition in life. Apparently, working from home doesn’t still count. I’m shaping up the life and personality of my two kids for free, while people pay through their noses to career counsellors for the same thing. I’m also a nutritionist, a psychologist, a guide, an entertainer, a life-coach and lot more. Am I not in a secure profession where I don’t risk losing my clients then? Sounds perfect to me!

Your mother cooks for you and cleans after you. She tugs you into bed and wakes up before you. Your troubles keep her awake at night and your achievements are her own reward. Your happiness makes her smile. Her welcoming arms absorb all your pain and drown all your tears. She believes in you more than you’ll ever believe in yourself.
Yes, a mother deserves the highest salary in the form of gratitude, respect and guilt-free financial independence. She’s many people and many professions rolled into one and deserve to be lauded just as much for her efforts. Doesn’t she?

Linking this with Deepa and Amrita for #MondayMommyMoments

21 thoughts on “My permanent profession ~ Motherhood #MondayMommyMoments

  1. Hats off to women who prioritize motherhood! I agree, there isn’t a higher calling or good you can do. I truly don’t understand why even in 2018 this is still an issue!

    1. That is why Manushi’s answer becomes all the more interesting. It can be a game-changer in making moms realise their own worth. Motherhood comes at a price which many of us don’t spare a thought to.

  2. I am shaping up the life and personality of my two kids for free, while people pay through their noses to career counsellors for the same thing. Well said, Varsha!

    The blog is shaping up well too. Great going!

    1. Thank you so much, Mayuri. Don’t we mothers play a crucial role in determining how our kids turn out when they grow up? We should be thanked for it.
      Taking the blog lessons one day at a time. Thanks a bunch for guiding me. <3

  3. Really beautiful writeup… Motherhood is a permanent job and people should start looking upto it rather then looking down if a mother stays at home

    1. These are my honest feelings, Anagha. I’m sure many mothers (including you) would relate to it. We do lot more than what we’re given credit for and deserve respect for it. You’re very kind. I hope I can inculcate this feeling of dedication equally in both my kids as they grow up.

    1. Glad you agree with me, Amrita. High time we make our decisions rather than falling prey to what others think is right for us. My time with my kids can never be compromised.
      Thank you so much. 🙂

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