Vidhi loved rains. A diehard romantic, for her rains were synonymous with crisp fragrant air, lush green outdoors and warming up in the arms of her someone special. This lovely weather made her a poetess, even if an amateur one. It inspired her to pen down her feelings of love, longing and loneliness in ways she hadn’t imagined. She was, as people said, a natural and honest with her words.
Holding her olive green umbrella steady against harsh winds, she was standing clumsily on a busy road. Every now and then a vehicle passed by and made her move irritably to avoid getting muddy puddle water all over her brand new dress. Her waiting eyes frequently darted at the watch and scanned every person who crossed her. Mercifully, she spotted Garv soon.
Ignoring her tousled hair and his tardiness she walked up to him, quite unsure of her own reaction. Her heart beat furiously in her chest, almost hushing the honking around her. Had it really been nine years? He had changed! He was few pounds heavier and taller than she remembered. His smile was still killer, her sweating palms reminded her. As he came closer she hoped her eyes and voice wouldn’t embarrass her.
The last thing she remembered about him was his lingering missed-you hug in the middle of the road. Once with him, her mind and heart assumed a life of their own. As Vidhi and Garv sat across each other in a crowded restaurant, they chattered away non-stop simply to fill the uneasiness between them. She thought she accurately replied to his questions, mostly because he seemed satisfied with her answers. They didn’t, for once, take their eyes off each other.
She observed things about him she never did before; the way he tilted his head, his long fingers or the scar on the bridge of his nose. His minor imperfections made him look even more attractive, she thought. He too, on his part, was absorbing details about her to remember later. They smiled and blushed incorrigibly, hardly touching their food. Isn’t the beauty in some experiences only to be lived and cherished over time?
These precious stolen moments were a rare luxury they had earned from life, they believed. Soon enough they would be back to their individual lives playing the family roles they were supposed to. However much they wished to be doing this their whole life, the ship had sailed. Sometimes someone’s absence means lot more than their presence, doesn’t it? Not all relations can have a name and logical conclusion.
Both of them walked under the umbrella together, well aware of the months that’ll pass before any chance of seeing each other again. He agonisingly rushed through the goodbyes, caressing her cheek with his moist palm one last time. The rains witnessed them mutely, substituting for their aching hearts and unshed tears.
This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by Gleefulblogger & Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarn, Vedantika Herbals, Nyassa, Explore Kids World.
I’d like to introduce the next #BloggerBabes team member, Nehal. She is an IT engineer by profession, good at heart and mom of a 5 yrs old cutie pie. Knowing, inventing and advising home remedies and easy ones to all is her way to love people around her.
© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
At times cherishing memories bring about happiness from within. So at times it is good to meet up with someone to spend some quality time and leave behind those memories.
Loved the way you weaved the story and the emotions alongwith it
Nicely captured the emotions!
Nupur #NISSAtalks #OpenNtalk
wow! I can visualize the two!! Vidhi and Garv walking on the road under the same umbrella! For me monsoon is the most romantic season. But why Garv went away? #Bloggerbabes #OpeNtalk
Wow making the monsoon sound so romantic but rain does that always
What a romantic touch! #jamss2018 #OpenNTalk
awesome story telling
The rains truly bring out romance in the air, they also help blend tears both shed and unshed. You captured both aspects of relationships. Good one, Varsha.
#OpenNTalk #JAMSS2018
Sometimes it truly is the small things, the small moments that makes life wonderful.
Rains bring out so many stories, some romantic and some sad. yours was a mix of both. Enjoyed reading it. #Bloggingdivas #Openntalk
This is the perfect rain and love combo. Yes not necessary all relations have a tag or name. This is true mark of memories.
A poignant one Varsh.. rains do bring up many memories . #BloggerBabes #OpenNTalk
Rains always bring back few memories and weave few new ones. Such is the monsoon season. Very beautifully penned.
– Anami from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week4
These are Amazing memories i too cherish sometimes going in throwback
It feel like sketching down the emotions in the form of text #NISSATalks
Ouch! Heart-breakingly beautiful…just like some stories are meant to be…
#CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk
Ouch! Heart-breakingly beautiful…just like some stories are meant to be…
#CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk
This is so well written ..not necessary to carry all relations
This is really very heart touching memories. Its make me teary..
You write so flawlessly… I was so engrossed, I didn’t want it to end! Loved reading this!
I feel monsoon is the best time of the year and great way to build in lifetime of memories. Loved reading this story of yours.
Hamari adhuri kahani…Khwahishe na jane kub hogi puri?
Cant say more Varsh… I am drenched by the lashing of myriad emotions after reading your post!
#OpenNTalk #CrossBorderSisters #AYReads
memories can cheer up when you are sad or feel lost. they can give you strength and courage to move forward in adverse situations.
I love rains. Nice narration. Nice blog.
Deep and emotional short love story. Love it. #openntalk
Amazing and beautiful post. Beautifully penned thoughts. The story binds the reader till last. Great thoughts.
Rain and romance goes hand in hand. Those sweet little memories keep on coming looking at the falling drops of water.
Love reading this short story…makes me think romantically for upcoming monsoons.
Rains have all those hidden unique stories 🙂 about every relations! Loved this post and your narration.
Beautifully penned down the story with full of emotions. #CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk
Enjoyed reading your fiction!
Keep it up ?
Thanks, Aditi. #BloggerBabes
Such a lovely romantic story… Monsoon is a romantic season I must say..
#jamss2018 #OpenNtalk
Thanks, Snigdha. Monsoon is romantic indeed. #BloggerBabes
Could visualise the whole story in front of me till the goodbye. Wonderfully penned Varsha!
#CrossBorderSisters #OpenNTalk
Thanks, Manisha. Some stories seem too real, don’t they? #BloggerBabes #OpenNTalk
True that Varsha
Rains adds romance in the air. Good write up. #BlogAMile #OpenNTalk
Indeed, Ila. Rains and romance go hand in hand. #BloggerBabes