Feeling blue, Feelings, Just rambling, Me, Non-fiction, People, Quotes, Sharing views, Women


Sensitive people are often considered dramatic or attention-seekers. While it might ring true with some, I believe that there’s certain prejudice attached with this word. Being sensitive isn’t a bad thing. Period. When someone feels deeply about something and sheds tears, then he/she is being a cry-baby. If something unfortunate has happened but he/she isn’t… Read More Sensitivity

People, Quotes, Sharing views, Such is life, Thinking hat

The Knowledge Concept

Does being knowledgeable about something make us narcissistic and unmindful of others’ opinions? Doesn’t not welcoming or accepting someone else’s better judgement make us appear conceited? Is being well-read and/or well-informed a plausible excuse to thwart peoples’ beliefs? Everyone’s need and inclination is different. Is imposing our views on anyone correct? Is theoretical knowledge enough… Read More The Knowledge Concept