Collaborations, Fashion, Lifestyle, Online shopping, Women

The Complete Push up Bra Guide: All you need to know

Women pride themselves on their attention to detail, and when it comes to dressing up for some special occasion, they go to great lengths. Imagine doing the perfect outfit, accessories, and shoes but not investing in comfortable lingerie for the big day. It’s not just what you wear outside but what lies underneath too that… Read More The Complete Push up Bra Guide: All you need to know

Collaborations, Festive season, Home, Online shopping

5 elegant ideas to get your living room festive ready

The festive season is upon us, and everyone is busy decking up their homes to mark the onset of celebrations with their loved ones. A beautiful home reflects the personality of its family and deserves special attention to detail, after all. Living room décor assumes significant importance during this time to welcome friends and family… Read More 5 elegant ideas to get your living room festive ready

Collaborations, Festive season, India, Lifestyle, Online shopping

5 points to remember while selecting right Juti for men

The festive season is just around the corner and everyone’s gearing up to have a blast with the celebrations. While women love to proactively perk up for the big day, men are relatively chilled and leave everything for the last minute, don’t they? Luckily, with online shopping choices, one can get everything from clothes to… Read More 5 points to remember while selecting right Juti for men

Collaborations, Lifestyle, Online shopping, Reviews, Selfcare

Review: Natural Skincare with Deyga Summer Hydration Combo

Our lifestyle choices largely determine the quality of our life. Right from the food we eat to the products that find a place in our homes, everything must be chosen with great care. Products that are safe, hygienic, and free from a barrage of chemicals deserve prominence over popular cheaper options, anytime. Personally, I lay… Read More Review: Natural Skincare with Deyga Summer Hydration Combo

Collaborations, Fashion, Online shopping, Women

5 Best Designer Kurtas that every woman should own

Fashion trends keep changing. Women’s fashion, especially, sees dramatic experimentation with styles, designs, fabrics, and lengths every season. Fashionistas are quick to follow and refurbish their entire wardrobe as well. However, although the designer kurtas trend has been around for a while, it sees no sign of slowing down anytime soon. This comfortable garment is… Read More 5 Best Designer Kurtas that every woman should own

Collaborations, Lifestyle, Online shopping, Trends, Women

Stylish bags that make a glamorous you!

If money could buy happiness anything spent on handbags or purses would probably top the list. Bags are a fashion accessory that is elegant, fashionable, unique and practical, all at once. Stylish bags complement your attire, formal or casual, and give you a smart edge over others. Isn’t it interesting that there’s a bag of… Read More Stylish bags that make a glamorous you!