Collaborations, Festive season, India, Lifestyle, Online shopping

5 points to remember while selecting right Juti for men

The festive season is just around the corner and everyone’s gearing up to have a blast with the celebrations. While women love to proactively perk up for the big day, men are relatively chilled and leave everything for the last minute, don’t they? Luckily, with online shopping choices, one can get everything from clothes to the right juti for men, conveniently and on their clock. The question is, do they know what they’re looking for?

Slipping your feet into the right footwear builds your confidence like nothing else. No matter how trendy your traditional outfit is, without the perfect juti for men to pair with it, it’ll seem incomplete. Punjabi juttis, Rajasthani mojris, occasional, regular, and more, there are so many types! How can one know which one to buy then? Let me share some points you can keep in mind while picking your pair next time.


Comfort comes first

Any occasion might require you to spend hours wearing your jutis which makes comfort a crucial clincher. Jutis are designed to keep your feet protected as well as cushioned from inside. Select a good brand that lays emphasis on both pattern and usability. Also, ensure walking a couple of feet in them before you settle on your favourite.

Elegance is underrated

Be unique, not outrageous. Although celebrities sport all kinds of whacky styles and designs, in real life they stick out like a sore thumb. Traditional juti for men comes in ample variety and will leave you spoilt for choice. Choose subtle colours that blend with your outfit and take it a notch higher. After all, shoes maketh the man!

Flexibility in use 

Despite what you may think, jutis aren’t limited to festive occasions only. Regular juti for men in colours like brown, black or navy blue can be worn daily. Since they’re stylish and comfortable, you can try fusion dressing and wear them with trousers and jeans too. Try setting a trend and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how many follow.

Your style quotient matters 

The market may be flooded with umpteen choices but your personal style trumps everything else. Don’t go bold with loud colours or patterns if your personality is the opposite. Your shoes speak more about you than you know and reflect your displeasure too. Invest in a pair that’ll see more than the walls of your shoe rack.

Select the right material 

This is interesting and varies with the occasion. Juti for men come in different materials like leather, velvet, fabric, canvas, denim, etc which makes your selection easier. Leather ones are sturdy and have a good life while velvet gels well in the festive season. Check the inside lining to identify any allergies or fitting issues and you’re good to go!

Men’s traditional look is often non-fussy and minimal. A good outfit and the right jutis leave little room to accessorise. Elegant, stylish and comfortable, they can make heads turn with no effort at all. This festive season, gift yourself an amazing pair and prepare yourself to handle all the attention! 

Do you have any favourites? Are you fussy about what the men in your life wear? Share with me. 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with RRE Studios and ShowCase Events

© This site A Vibrant Palette is the property of Varsha Bagadia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Varsha Bagadia and A Vibrant Palette with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

32 thoughts on “5 points to remember while selecting right Juti for men

  1. Very nice write up Varsha… I loved the bits of humour here n there. You know a lot about jutis. i don’t even own a pair so I’ve never really thot about them.! I know they’re a must have.. your post has tempted me… I’m sure for girls also the same suggestions apply.

  2. My husband never liked wearing juttis. In fact, he rarely wore ethnic. I will sure keep your tips in mind if I need to purchase them.

  3. Shoes speaks a lot about person’s personality. I agree, comfort comes first. I think choose something subtle which goes with many attire but I personally like it with kurta pyajama and with short kutra and jeans.

  4. These are good pointers. My husband wears juttis but only on occassions. He has only one pair and we have been thinking of buying one more to have a backup. Will keep your points in mind while doing so.

  5. I have never seen my husband wearing juttis. However, my brother is getting married and I will surely ask him to check out these points before selecting the juti with his sherwani.

  6. Thank you so much for the detailed post on such important yet neglected thing. I am saving this post for my Dewar’s wedding, Much awaited and very important upcoming family function or festival for us. 🙂

  7. Indeed purchasing a jutti is a difficult task, Very valid points for guiding the buyer in the right direction. Because I’m originally from Lucknow, I have a lot of juttis that I owe, but my husband has a hard time wearing them.

  8. I have burnt my hands buying juttis for men in my family and its been not a pleasant experience. These points are surely very important to keep in mind while selecting a pair for them, learnt them the hard way.

  9. Very good tips for buying a Juti for men. I feel comfort is very important and of course the design and pattern. Thank you for sharing these tips, will send it to my guy friends who love Juti.

  10. I love my Jutis but I can’t wear them everyday for all practical reasons. Once in a while when I like to dress ethnic, a juti can be a real gamechanger. A lot of people have complimented me for my choice of jutis.

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