Book Reviews, Books, Fiction, Love, Relationships, Such is life

Book Review: Ehsaas – A Special Bonding by Priyal Poddar #BlogchatterEbook

Hello everyone! As part of Blogchatter’s Ebook Carnival I’m happy to share the book review today for one of my blogger friend, Priyal Poddar. About the book: This book is a collection of poems and short stories that have love as the basic premise. The interesting part is how Priyal has not limited it to… Read More Book Review: Ehsaas – A Special Bonding by Priyal Poddar #BlogchatterEbook

A Junior, Books, Education, Fiction, Friendship, Funny life, India, Just rambling, Kids, Me, Motivation, Mumbai, Sharing views, Such is life, Thinking hat, Uncategorized

My relationship with books :-)

I won’t call myself a bookworm, primarily because my reading lulls are frequent and range from a few days, weeks to even a few months sometimes. Matters of precedence, too much of reading churning a cocktail of thoughts in my mind or, most commonly, time required to process something heavy that I read, make me… Read More My relationship with books 🙂

Books, Fiction, Non-fiction

Why I Read

Some time back I had a done a post on Why I Write. This time I want to write on Why I Read. I believe reading, like writing, is something that comes from within. One can try to inform, encourage or suggest, but unless there is an internal urge to gain and imbibe something from… Read More Why I Read